are a few screenshots from a game I’m working on called The Way Back. It is a puzzle/adventure game set in a fantasy world. Please let me know what you think so far. Thanks.
Realtime Character development for our upcoming game. is 1 of 7 playable characters using an alternative outfit. UE4 Tech Demo to come soon.
NOICE!!! :D, is rendered in unreal? looks amazing! anytime I manage to finally get a character into the engine it kinda looks like playdough lol…
Yes is realitme rendered in UE4 4.15. I struggled at first to understand skin and hair rendering until I dug through many tutorials to find the right settings to get it to look good. For skin rendering have a look a the content examples project and learn about skin rendering and subsurface scattering. As far as hair goes, making it look good takes a lot of tweaking and playing around but I learned a lot from the Paragon hair card technique that is used used and also self shadowing so that every strand creates a shadow.
Don’t give up and just keep tweaking and playing around with different settings along with watching tutorials and you will get it
Both new base characters are set up to have parts of the body hidden for different apparel wear and morph targets for the additional faces that can be changed out.
At the same time haveing to scale both characters to the same size may not be “realistic” but for workload and animations, it will save allot of time in the end.
Gamesparks based skill system, skills are dynamically fetched based on NOSQL records, and initially setup within a structure. It took awhile to make all work to get desired icon art, gamesparks communication, and the related code to setup a uniform grid, and populate it with the various skill slots. The system to generate the skill grid is based on the RPG inventory grid blueprint code, but heavily modified. Next in line are additional active skills, and if there is spare time test other options for skill slot layouts. However, so far the skill system is in place and working, and it feels good.
WIP Low poly for mobile , these are taken from the editor but looks just as good on an iPhone - draw calls in all of these is 118 , most of the time it’s nearly half that
Hello again all Im stiil working on nothing left its now turned in to a resident evil style horror even with the pre rendered backrounds i have mastered the art at. I will post some pictures. sureley a lot of people miss the old fixed cameras and chilling locations of the 90s games When it was truly survival horror.