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That is so ! Keep it going :slight_smile:

Thanks. No, those flat trees are lod1 but since map has fully dynamic light i’m not able to get good shadows/lightning on small objects on far distance. Because of it looks very flat. The leave texture may be not ideal too. The slight green fog does the rest.

I actually hadn’t thought of that. I might look into that though. Thanks. :slight_smile:

Lot’s of things I’ve been working on lately,

Localized post-process

Calculating normals for vertex shader waves

Testing ray-traced sof shadows


Higher quality SSR

Cross-Hatching Post-Process

And dealing with noise…

Voronoi noise (ALU)

Modified perlin noise to calculate derivatives for normals

Ridged perlin noise for procedural terrain

Wow great projects.
The PerPixel-PostProcessVolumes look very interesting. something i definetly have a usecase for

Been working even further on the face… first iteration on the eyebrows. Modeled and textured the teeth and the tongue.
check our thread in my signature. Cheers :smiley:



Character is looking amazing already! Working on some skin shading myself for the first time, I know there is a LOT you need to consider for it to look real. Eyes are great!

I can only assume you have seen presentation before: ://www.iryoku/stare-into-the-future
If not, and for other peeps, it’s a great read on skin & facial shading techniques by Activision Blizzard R&D.

Thanks! Yes i saw presentation and its great would recommend to every1!

3D Menu!


I made the first animation of my game, the idle animation. I know there are things to improve (the neck is still a little “robotic”), but it’s ok for the first version, I’m still learning things about animation.

is the video:

We’ve been trying to fix an with our Deck Builder for Ancestory since it has a tendency to crash in the builds where as it works just fine in the editor, but is how it looks like at the moment:


Really digging that UI style, stylised but clean. My only suggestion would be to make the sliders a more contrasting colour, even with the white highlight on them it’s hard to see (at a glance) where each one is.

What UI system are you using, out of curiosity?

Doing some work for the 7DFPS jam. Started way late, may continue for 7 days on my own time :stuck_out_tongue: Will be a shooter variant focusing on lights, cloaking & lots of sneaking around.

Little space scene we did. A lot of NASA stuff being used , including some massive earth textures stitched today and a gigantic star field. Planet also has a dynamic day/night cycle so as it rotates it goes dark and the lights come on. Also has a separate cloud layer that rotates independently for added realism.


Thanks, yeah we’re probably gonna revise the sliders and the buttons. The current version is from ground-up with just blueprints, but we’ll probably test out UMG pretty soon.

Character Artist Still learning the ropes ins and outs View my entire thread : .unrealengine/showthread.php?51784-Unreal-Engine-4-Character-Art-Project


Kairi remembers me my character, (6 posts above). But Kairi seems to be more “correct”, I’m still learning modeling/animation. But let’s do a crossover some day. =P

Wow, is looking great!

Hey thanks for the feedback. Im still learning Animation and texturing. So kudos on the animation bit as I think its really hard to get a character to animate correctly. CHEERS!! :smiley:

Just finished a scene in UE4, The lighting was an because the Fire PFX Light component doesn’t shadow or bake into GI as it would be too expensive to spawn that many lights with those functionality. To resolve I added point lights above the bowls to bake lightmap information into the scene and then turned them into dynamic lights to give real-time shadows. It seems that the Light Propagation Volumes do not function correctly with Point Lights. Also is there any way to use a Skylight which illuminates specific meshes in the scene? I know UE4 is using a PBL setup which gives realistic results. but stylistic choices such as leading the eye and using volumes to occlude light from areas would be useful…
