Hi i would like to create some 2D moving effect image is there some software to make them and export to unreal engine? such as Fire Cartoon Water Cartoon.I don’t know about Adobe after effect and adobe animation will support unreal engine or not
does anyone knows about this? If you know please clarify for me or give me some advice.
Thank you
I don’t believe UE4 works with 2D spine animations or after effects yet.
For now you would have to create either a spritesheet or separate sprites using photoshop or equivalent (so a collection of image frames which merge to make an animation) and combine them into a flipbook within Unreal.
Info on flipbooks:
what about this video how do i make something like this do you know ?SimpleCartoonFX Vol 2.1 UE4 - YouTube
From what I can see these are most likely particle effects rather that sprites, found this it might be of some use:
Oh i see that video is using cinema 4D and adobe after effect please let me ask you more question 1.What is the best software to create character effect game ? is it maya and 3D Max ? 2.Can maya and 3D Max create 3D cartoon effect? 3. Is it just only Cinema 4D can create effect game?
I believe they are using those programs to create the images that are then used to create the particle effects. Not 100% sure though. Maya and 3DS Max are probably the most used in the industry, just try the trial or student version of both and see what you prefer to use. They will both create nearly the same outcome in the end.
thank you very much i’ll try it