Im having these weird brigth areas on the foliage and have no idea how to fix it. It does not have to do with the subsurface in my material as i tried to disable it.
Hello @anonymous_user_ddd62fae
try in the console:
foliage.ForceLOD 0
r.TemporalAA.Upsampling 0
I think is just lod and the AA
- And if you are using Raytracing:
r.Raytracing.Geometry.InstancedStaticMeshes.Culling 0
Hello, i tried both commands but it is still there. Do you have any other ideas?
Haha what about to update the ?
Hey @anonymous_user_ddd62fae is there any way we could take a glance at the tree mats and the foliage settings? I thought it was an LOD issue off the bat myself but it seems like it’s not.
Change the material from two-sided foliage to default lit.
Ahhh your material seems fine to me. I’d try Arkiras’ suggestion, though I wonder how that will effect the shading altogether. Let us know how it goes!