Now of course if I change all my point lights to dynamic and attach them to the room (which makes them rotate with the room) then these shadows don’t appear however I have alot of point lights and it slows down the performance of my game alot of I use dynamic lights. I have checked the light as if static box for my walls but even if I didn’t these shadows would still appear. So how can I use static lights and not have these shadows appear when my room rotates 90 degrees? In other words how can I have the lighting stay exactly the same when the room rotates?
Select the object that is the room and either remove any lightmaps it has or just turn off its ability to cast shadows at the top of the details panel perhaps?
I tried turning off casting shadows but that didn’t work. How am I supposed to turn off lightmaps. The room is made up of the mesh Floor_400x400 which is not a custom mesh. So how can I turn off lightmaps. I do have a lightmass important volume but changing the size and position of that doesn’t seem to work.
If you want to use static lighting in the level but keep those meshes dynamic then set their mobility to movable then rebuild the lights. If you want to use fully dynamic lighting, set your lights mobility to Movable, enable Force NoPrecomputed Lighting in World Settings and then build the lights.
Ok here’s what I did. I set the meshes to movable and rebuilt the lights but the shadows still appear. I then set the lights to dynamic, built the lights and the game ran extremely slow so that’s clearly not going to work. I really don’t understand how I can make my walls always have the exact same lighting no matter where they are.
Weird thing is those walls should be lit fine with static(mobility set to stationary) lighting when the meshes are movable. Is the light source intersecting with anything? Can you provide a sample project?
I thought the lighting becomes dynamic when the mobility is set to stationary. The thing is I can’t set my lights to stationary because then my game will lag like crazy so the lights have to be static.
No, stationary is also static. The difference between static and stationary mobility is that stationary lights also light dynamic objects. So you should use stationary lights whenever possible.
But stationary lights lag my game because there’s alot of point lights so I have to use static lighting. So my meshes have to have the “light as if static” option just so the lights appear which does work until the room rotates and those weird shadows appear.