So I’m making a hallway out of cylinder brushes. For some reason when I create a static mesh out of the brushes, weird lines appear on the custom mesh. Here’s an image of the hallway (the top is when it’s in brush form and the bottom is when I create a static mesh)
that is because you made it out of brushes, the smoothing groups wont work well because of it, not to mention that the uv’s on the mesh (due to it being bsp first) will never align properly.
Get blender, maya, max, modo, or another 3d tool and make it like that.
BSP is not a surrogate modelling tool.
This is possibly a lightmap issue from converting BSP to a static mesh. Have you gone into the static mesh’s properties and set an appropriate value for light map resolution and light map channel? They’re under “Static Mesh Settings” on the Details panel and are called Light Map Resolution and Light Map Co-ordinate Index respectively. The co-ordinate index should be set to 1 and the resolution should be any power of two increment that looks good.
ue4 is not a modeling tool, so “another” doesnt make sense.
dont force yourself thinking its easier to do it all in ue4.
spend some time learning blender (its free) and it will make your life and progress way easier.
yes it is, though if you have no experience with it yet, its best to learn the basics first. there are quite some beginner tutorials out there, and with some basic knowledge you can easily focuss on some unwrapping tutorials etc.