Weird flickering on final gather render from movie render queue

Hey guys, i just kicked a final gather quality render of my env, but at around 6 sec you can see some weird light artifacts on the floor grids and in general some weird reflections on metallic objects
Do you have any idea what the issue could be?
Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help
here is the render plus a picture highlighting the zone causing the main issue

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Hello @edode1 !

I found this in one of William’s videos:

Also, add in variables:
r.ScreenPercentage 150

Let me know how is going!

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hey Alberto, thanks dor the help, ill kick a render and keep you updated but i had already disabled AA and put even more temporal sample counts, same goes with the screen percentage variable which i had already used.
Nonetheless I will give it another try since I might have missed something out of all this mess
Thanks again

And take a look in the post process to:

do you reccomend playing with final gather quality?
also I’ m guessing you’re Italian as well juding by the name, so Grazie mille per il tuo aiuto Alberto

Just for cinematic settings, for play I don’t even recommend ray tracing

So close, Spanish!
De nada, si necesitas más ayuda dilo!

Did you ever find a solution for this? This flickering on highlights has been an annoyance for months that wont go away. Keeps showing up in my renders but not in the viewport. Tried the suggestions on this thread but to no avail.


I have this issue as well, with randomly flashing highlights after exporting through MQR.

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found a solution?

What I did as a temporary solution was to increase the roughness of the material

Keeps showing up in my renders but not in the viewport

me too! i am trying all kinds of things but my chrome reflections are popping…?

I have had perhaps something similar happening in a few renders lately but cant find the setting to supress them, the latest one is even more messed up


I have flickering lights, almost fireflies on some of my renders too (no pathtracing what I will try now)

I’ll keep trying things and if I can solve it, I’ll share
Flickering lights at the left rock column, not flickering on the viewport but in render

-Boosting roughness or reducing specular didn’t work
-It doesn’t happens with the legacy render.
-I found the glittering only happens when the camera is moving, must be conected with AA as lowering it minimizes the glittering.

All of my renders were following this UE to Davinci workflow detailed here: Unreal to Davinci Resolve Workflow - ACES & sRGB - YouTube

As soon as I disregarded the ACES elements and just used console variables all of the artifacts disappeared

Hi, i had same flickering issue than OP, and changing the Lumen Reflection settings, the “Ray lighting mode” from “Default” to “Hit lighting for reflection”, solved it for me.