WebAPI Plugin in GDC Talk not working?

After watching this Unreal Fest Talk (1) Working with Data in Unreal Engine 5 | Unreal Fest 2022 - YouTube
I was excited to see there was a new way to work with HTTP Requests in the Web API Plugin, claimed to be released as part of Unreal Engine 5.1

Unfortunately, when looking in the release version of Unreal 5.1 there seems to be no mention of it in:

  • Release Notes
  • Online resources
  • Literally anywhere besides this talk (despite a working demo being shown)

So my question is: Is this working/released, or has it been silently dropped/ discontinued?

Being able to dynamically create structs and access functions from a JSON Schema in the Editor seems like an incredibly powerful tool when using HTTP Requests

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Did you find out? I tried in ue 5.2 but it does not seem to work

Also not working in Unreal 5.3

Screenshot 2024-06-26 132523

tried out webapi with 5.3 not working at all when i import .json it is creating .uassat but not visible in editor