Weapon Master VR Support Thread

What kind of weapon is this? One of ours, or one of your own? Have you set the actor tag for the weapon as rifle, pistol, or melee?

Hi again OneShot. How’s progress? I like the trello. keep us up to date. Great work by the way. I didn’t manage to figure out how to get grab functionality working with your VRhands for interactive VR Essentials pack but I did manage to copy over the code so it works on the default VR class your VR hands are parented to. Haven’t had the chance to look into your VR_hands BP. Will soon. I thought it would work since it defaults back to the parent class grab functionality. Will need to take a deeper look.

Anyway… I have a few questions.

Does your Pack support headset bounce back off walls? If so, where do I turn on. If no, do you plan to add this?

Weapons and Hands go through objects and the world. Is it possible to prevent this?

How would I go about spawning at start of game one of your basic static mesh pickups modified to my flashlight. I have checked spawn in hand and selected my flashlight in character BP. Does not work or do anything. The flashlight does work after I pick it up in level.

We currently don’t have support for head bouncing off walls. I will look into adding it, or a system where the screen dims if you are sticking your head through a wall (will add to trello).

As for hand and weapon collision. An option for that is also coming soonish. Mabye not in 1.1 but soon after. Mags will also have to be inserted correctly (will collide with gun).

Right now only weapons can spawn in had at start. In 1.1 that will change. Sorry for this oversight!

1.1 launches around the end of October for those wondering.

Big news everyone!

Your amazing support and patronage has allowed us the opportunity to purchase 3 vive trackers! With multiplayer coming in 1.3, this means we will need support for a character body. Add in 6 tracking points and well, lets just say we are looking into body tracking. :wink: No promise as to when FBIK will show up though.

We also have saved enough money to purchase two vive knuckles for when they become available to us!

Expect new control schemes, capacitance support, gesture tracking, hand poses and more in the future!

Kind of far off but still on the radar is Data table support for those wanting to have an easier way to deal with lots of weapons or RPG balance!

I’m really happy you are planning on adding content to this long term which is due it’s success I hope you get a steady stream of people buying this product. This is turning into the best pack I have bought from the market place and I have bought a lot lol.

Is there a way to migrate weapon master into another project? When i did i fixed all the input and axis mapping. The only thing not working is the grip function. I cant pick any thing up or use the weapons. thanks OneShot

And the movement isn’t work either. Is there a setting in the project I need to change to get everything to work? Thanks!

Migration is possible but you usually have to fix stuff that gets “left behind”. Usually it is the collision channels that get messed up. It would be better to migrate the other project into a renamed weapon master install.

Weapon Master is treated by ue4 as a template. It isn’t really designed to be migrated.

I have about a year more of feature updates planned and I want to support every roomscale headset out there. While there will cone a point where I will say weapon master is feature complete, that doesn’t mean we will stop adding cool stuff. :slight_smile:

Hi Oneshot, update on that problem I was having in your demo level. Where the screen was white, as if a postprocess setting gone crazy. Well in 4.17. It works fine now.

I have a problem, I’m trying to get my custom melee weapon working, but a weird problem came up. I have followed your vid tutorial. My custom melee weapon works and causes damage to your dummy damage prop thingy BP in the test range level. The problem is it does not work in my level. I’m not sure why or what could be causing the problem from one level to another. Could something be interfering I’m unaware of?

Same weapon and Same Prop dummy copy pasted over. No damage even those the trace shows impact red impact and green length collisions capsules.

I do not understand why it will not work.

Oh… btw great news. When do you get those new trackers and Where did you buy them?

Did you ever figure out how to integrate the door functionality from the VR expansion plugin?

You mentioned before a fix to the problem of walking up to a mesh and shooting up into the air which was to remove the ground trace in the Event Tick Section of BP_VRCharacter. Of course the problem to that is you can’t walk up stairs. My fix was to go over every mesh in my game and change its collision to custom and object type to no step. However I am now using a door and drawer BP where I can’t change the collision or it won’t work. You mentioned another fix on the way which was to change the cast height. Below is a screen of where the ground trace sets the player but I can’t see anything in there to change the cast height. Can you let me know where it is?

For anyone that wants a quick fix to setup open-able doors and drawers for Weapon master VR download mitchemmc VR Content Examples


and migrate to your project.

Copy over the below from the BP_Worldinteractionpawn to your player characters event graph.

](GitHub - mitchemmc/VRContentExamples: Unreal Engine 4 community VR content examples)
In your player character add in the above from the add component tab name it exactly as it is in the BP_Worldinteractionpawn to make sure you don’t get any errors.

With the static mesh spheres make sure you change the collision preset to OverlapAllDynamic

Finally duplicate the BP_Interactive drawer and delete everything in the components tab except scene,drawer root, drawerhandle and drawerhighlightedhabdle select scene before you add your mesh. If you select the drawerroot when you import the size will be tiny. After you have imported then add it to the drawerroot and move it so the drawerhandle is where your meshes handle is?

This works perfectly with weapon master and I haven’t discovered any bugs yet. I’m guessing it will be just as easy to use with the door but its late and I need to go to bed.

I am still working on improving this system but it isn’t really a fix. The improvements I am trying are…

  1. Lowering the cast height to the knees. This will help some.
  2. Checking to see if the hits slope is greater than a max slope variable. This could be bad due to needing to constantly cast 2 or more rays to find the slope of a surface. I am not sure it will ever work correctly.

Changing your geometry to no step (or any other collision type) is how I set up my levels. Unless you want to change your walkable surfaces to “Ground” and have the trace only look for the ground collision surface. That way world static and world dynamic could be used for different things. That will be left up to you to do as I have had people not like having to change every walkable surface to “ground”.

BTW, the system is purposefully designed to work this way. This isn’t a bug, its how its supposed to work. World Static is supposed to be any type of static geometry that you can step onto, World dynamic is for stepping onto movable surfaces. No Step is for any static geometry that you dont want the player to step onto. All other channels are ignored by the ground trace, you are free to use any of them for your drawers and doors though I would not use ones being used by weapon master guns and objects. You are meant to set up your levels using these channels as a guide. That is why nostep and teleportation occlusion exist as helper channels.

Is there a reason you cannot change the drawers and doors to a different collision channel? You should only have to change mitch’s code where it looks for the right collision channel. A channel like Physics Object would work as it isn’t used by the system.

I am currently working to free up some object channels for use. Using World Static, or World Dynamic isn’t really a good practice for objects you want to interact with. I have always taken World to mean the environment, not actors in it. So I would never set an object to a world collision channel. It has always bothered me that actors default to worldstatic.

BTW, I am condensing some of the extra collision channels so I can free some up for yall.

Right now Physics Body, Vehicle and destructable should not be used by the system (meaning they are free to use as you wish!). I will be getting rid of some of my custom ones as well so you can add your own.

So after thinking about it more I think I will change the hit scan to look for a “ground” collision layer. I will repurpose the Teleport Occlusion Layer since it wont be needed anymore. This should solve all the issues but will require more setup when designing a level.

BTW, Version 1.1 will be out Friday November 3, 2017 for customers. I will send it to epic that day as well and MP customers will get the update as soon as epic posts it. This will also serve as the 4.18 release of weapon master vr for MP users.

Hi OneShot you missed my post. I gave up on the melee for now. It works and then it doesn’t work, its weird. I will post video later. Basically unreliable to put in my game for now. I did have a question if it was possible to remove or toggle the function for melee weapon to calculate velocity. For example. Any velocity hit with a melee would cause the same specific damage. Basically Ignore the extra more realistic calculations, I thinking there is a bug there.

Report Bug. When carrying a melee, then entering menu,I am unable to use the laser beam to connect with the UI. As if the melee preventing laser functionality. I can post video later.

A Suggestion. Is it possible to remove the save button in the UI and have it automatically save when toggled again. quicker. Most menus in games auto save these days. kind of out dated. Just an idea.

[quote=“OneShotGG, post:499, topic:82375”]

So after thinking about it more I think I will change the hit scan to look for a “ground” collision layer. I will repurpose the Teleport Occlusion Layer since it wont be needed anymore. This should solve all the issues but will require more setup when designing a level.

Does this mean I don’t have to go through every object in game and make sure to set it to Nostep? Walls/Objects/Details/Characters/etc,cause that would be awesome!
So all I have to do is find my floors? Perhaps this can be a editable variable toggle selection for those that think it would be more work for their levels. This would make it future proof with default content and other packs.

So sorry I missed your post! How large is your project? I could take a look at it after 1.1 is out if you want me to so I can figure out what this issue is.

You can remove the velocity component of the melee attack. You just have to remove the bool that checks for min velocity and remove the multiplication of the damage and velocity multiplier. I will make a screen shot to show you want to remove when I get home from work. I will warn you…barely touching an enemy will do full damage when you do this.

As for the menu, that is strange! I will add that to the to fix bug list! I am looking to add in a button to save and close as well.

I am adding an array where you get to select what you want ground to be. So yes, it will make level setup easier.

Thank you for the continuing support. I will have a look at the code. I think I know what you mean. (I understand the full damage, I was hoping for a temporary fix to have the player continue on within my level, pass an event requiring to destroy an object.

Another issue/bug report. While grabbing one of your pickup interactive object (flashlight) I cannot grab another pickup interactive object (example remote control) in the second hand. Perhaps only one interactive object at a time? Is this possible to fix?

This pack is going to be the best. :cool:
And thank you to tcla75
The quickfix for merging mitchemmc VR Content works perfectly except for limited to one hand. not that big a deal :smiley:

Quick Update on the landscape bug. This bug isn’t caused by weapon master vr. It is an engine bug that is caused by the forward renderer and the skylight.

Info here: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/697254/4171-editor-crashes-when-i-click-paint-in-landscap.html

There are some work arounds in that thread. This bug hasn’t been fixed in 4.18 by epic.

Hi OneShotGG,

How do you use locomotion with the Oculus Rift? I have been trying to use it on the shooting range and I can’t seem to figure it out. Please help :slight_smile:

Thank you!