Weapon Master VR Support Thread

The joystick of your off hand will move the character if you are using directional locomotion. By default I believe the asset is set to start with teleportation. To change that in game hit the options button on your oculus controller (special button) to bring up the menu. Then change the movement dropdown to directional locomotion. This setting gets saved once you select close and save.

You should be able to pick up an object in both hands. I mean, both guns and magazines are bp_interaction objects. How do you have the remote and the flashlight setup?

Thank you so much! It works perfectly!

Is there a way to get two handed swords working with the current Update 3? I really could use two handed sword support and I see on your trello its a future item. Could I do it similar to the two handed gun?

BTW: Your videos are all coming up unavailable on Twitch, tried to review some of your original videos but no longer there?

I really need two handed melee weapons: Swords, Axes, Spears, Picks, etc…

You could use a similar system to two handed guns. I really haven’t formulated how I am going to accomplish two handed melee weapons yet.

I’ll look into the missing tutorials. I am actually going to be replacing just about all of them soon with 1.1 specific ones that are much better and more in depth.

Just so everyone is aware, I have pushed back the 1.1 update to November 9th so I can fix a couple of bugs that are being super persistent. I will likely do a video on Monday highlighting the new improvements to locomotion.

I will be starting a week long tutorial series on Sunday the 11 that will cover installing weapon master, setting up a character, setting up a small level, both recipricating and non-recipricating weapon full tutorials using chamferzone models, bolt action rifle setup, and saving and loading. After those are done I will continue my weekly tutorial series every monday.

Check the trello if you want to know what features I am currently working on and which are coming in the next updates!

I am going to be gone this weekend (along with next weekend) but I will try to help anyone I can when I get back. If you need help before then join the discord and see if any of your fellow developers can help!

Sounds great cant wait for 1.1 have big plans for bolt action rifle ! thanks OneShotGG this is by far the best investment I have made for VR developing!

Unfortunately, the game I’m working on is medieval so more guns types just don’t help me at this point. I’ve started to create a TwoHandedMeleeWeapon blueprint and I’ll see where I get with it. Only issues is keeping track of what I have to extended in the subclass blueprints to support the two handed stuff so when 1.1 is released I can merge my changes quickly without losing a lot of what I already extended.

I think the interactive interface should have a way of specifying an item IsGrabbable which can be overridden. I’m thing of times where VR Player is not the right class to hold the item or has not paid enough to own the item, does not have the necessary skill, etc.

Another issue with melee weapons is items like two headed axes have damage from either direction and sometimes from three directions if there is a spike on the end of the weapon. From what I can tell were good only for one directional blades.

In 1.1 weapons can have a Cost. Which will keep them from being picked up.

I will admit the melee in WM is far behind the guns. I will see if I can fit some melee updates in 1.2 (thinking stuff like two handed melee, shields, javelins, better hit logic). 1.2 is slated for around February.

Hi what is the news with the 1.1 release? The last you mention of it is that it will be released on the 9th.

When I use Procedural Landscape Ecosystem and try to test out the level with Weapon Master I immediately launch into the sky. Do you have any idea why that is? I haven’t had this problem using Weapon Master with anything else but for some reason it just doesn’t like Procedural Landscape Ecosystem because I always launch up into the sky. Thanks!

Did you sumbit 1.1 to unreal marketplace yet?

This is likely due to a collision issue with that plugin. I am changing the way the ground collision works in 1.1 to help people work around these problems. I honestly wouldn’t be able to tell you what is causing it without seeing how the level you are using is set up. Did you migrate Weapon Master or is this a direct install?

No, I had to push back release again due to a major bug. Its been fixed and I am going through the pre-release clean up this week. I am not going to give a firm date (since I am terrible at hitting them) but release it should be within the next week or so. If I hit no snags this weekend it might be up on itch on sunday or monday.

We did a stream today showing off the feature complete weapon master 1.1. You can watch it here Twitch if you want to see what is coming!

Howdy, I plan to get it shortly, but I was curious about the bag / inventory system you mentioned in previous posts. I was wondering if this is still on your agenda or if it has been bumped back. Also, out of curiosity was wondering how high the spell section is on your list. I don’t see it on trello anymore so was just curious. Regardless, thank you for your wonderful work, It makes it much easier delve into the project quicker with your programs support.

Bag inventory is still planned but I need to get multiplayer in first. I was planning on it being in version 1.3 which is due out likely in the late spring.

1.1 is currently out on . I have a hotfix coming out for 1.1 this weekend which will be included into the MP version of 1.1. I expect the MP version to hit sometime next week.

Man epic is really dragging their feet reviewing this update. Im tempted to get it again on itch and support the cause.

why havent we got the update??? Its sooooo annoying!

Version 1.1 is already published