Weapon Master VR Support Thread

1.1 is out on the marketplace! I will be starting tutorials on Sunday. Tuts will be streamed and then put on youtube. More info on times soon.

One question though, are you planning on creating a way to Climb objects/wall ?

Hi, by MP, are you talking about multiplayer?

Hi, Where is the projectile of 45 ACP gun and other gun?, I’m really need it to write my custom blueprint for AI Enemy to get shoot and die with collision mesh

Im also looking for where i set projectiles - as in 1.0?


Likely not any time soon. Multiplayer will be done first which is going to be a large undertaking.

I am back from vacation. I will try to check this thread more but if you need faster help or just have questions please join our Discord! One of us is usually around, or there are some really helpful users as well!
Here is the discord link.

"1.1 is out on the marketplace! I will be starting tutorials on Sunday. Tuts will be streamed and then put on youtube. More info on times soon. "

I can’t seem to find these tutorials…


I would like to ask for help. Your locomotion system seems like not support the rotation or snap turn with the thumbsticks? If it is i cant figure out how, i use the Oculus Rift. Also if its not support can you give me some advice how to implament it? I would like to move and strafe with the left, and turn with the right stick. I found your video tutorial from character blueprint, but theres no help, also i checked the blueprint itself, but its a bit more complex then the one what the epic use.

Thank you for your helps!

I’m interested with Weapon Master just one question can it be the will attached on the hands instead of replacing it?

this plug in is great! I was spending hours trying to figure out just how to make the ammo show up on the gun… now I can get to the more creative parts of game making.

I have a question, can this be used for multiplayer games?

also how do we change the grip settings, when I grip something it grips it from the bottom and I have to turn my hands to see the front of it

I can someone use the joystick to turn left and right? This would be a great feature to add for users that only have two sensors and cannot turn all the way around.

Hey There,

Im getting an error when I try and package a level for windows 64. I get it for both Versions 4.18 and 4.2. Any help would be appreciated.

LOG error:

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): LogInit: Display: LogNavigation: Error: [/Script/Engine.RecastNavMesh] found in the DefaultEngine.ini file. This class has been moved. Please rename that section to [/Script/NavigationSystem.RecastNavMesh]

Hi, can anyone speak to whether or not this asset still has active development/support? I notice the developer hasn’t been too active in the reviews or on here lately, but I’m tempted to pick this up.

You should just do what the error says to do.

I am having a problem where I create an empty level, put in a simple floor for me to stand on (geometry box), put in a player start, add a nav mesh bounds volume, build paths, set game mode to bp_SurvivalGameMode, and I am finding that when I enter the game I am really tall, weapon belt with knife is below me because I am so tall, and I can’t move around my simple level at all. Can anyone please help me solve this because it is driving me crazy?

What I find odd is the demo maps work just fine but anytime I go and create something custom I run into these problems. Thanks for the help!

That sounds like you’re not using the right player pawn. The HMD camera being badly offset from the floor is usually a symptom of that. Make sure you’ve either set up the game mode, or add the right pawn and tell it to auto-possess the player.

What is the correct player pawn? I have tried them all and I am not getting any good results and I do tell it to auto-possess the player. Also, from what I have described in my initial post, what does it look like I have done wrong? Odd thing is that in a 4.18 build I have, everything is working fine, but when I tried to recreate the same thing in a 4.20 build, it does not work as intended. Just so odd that the demo levels are ok but anything I try to create now doesn’t work correctly.

I honestly can’t say with this pack, but I assume it’s based on the UE VR template pawn like we all recommended after the first release a few years ago. Try migrating the VR template pawn into your project and seeing if everything works if you use that.

At a minimum VR needs this player pawn or something similar to work correctly.

I am sorry but does anyone that owns this pack have any problems because I know my way around Unreal but this pack is really broken at the moment (for some odd reason the demo maps are fine but anything I create isn’t). My belt area is way too low, as is the knife that is supposed to be on my chest. It would be really nice if the creator can comment on what the issue could be.

Can someone that owns this pack please create a new project using the 4.20.3 version and create a new level using the bp_survivalmode game mode? Please let me know if it works for you correctly, meaning the knife and belt area are at the correct height for the player. Thank you anyone that can help me with this :slight_smile:

@bigboy2k the ground meshes need to be labeled as ground collision for your character to walk on it… prolly my least favorite thing but if you change it to on any floor meshes youll be able to walk on them. Just trynna help i didn’t make this.