Weapon Master VR Support Thread

Thank you for the tip! I just saw this same tip on the Marketplace thread and now everything is working as it should :slight_smile:

So it seems development of this module has pretty well ceased, and the tutorial on melee weapons link no longer works. So I’ll just throw this out here and see what you guys think.

After rigging and importing my custom melee weapons and adding the proper nodes, I can only get them to properly ‘pick up’ if duplicating and renaming one of the authors existing melee weapon BP’s and changing the skeletal mesh. If I try to create a BP from scratch using the MeleeWeapon parent class, I just can’t get it to work even though I have (as well as I can tell) matched every single setting. Any thoughts?

Also to get proper orientation/have it pickup at the right spot, I have to physically move the model in blender and reimport. Not sure if that’s common or not, but I would have figured I could just rotate in UE4 in either the skeletal or mesh editors but that doesn’t seem to work.

Lastly, I’m still trying to figure out how to modify the hitbox to be properly sized/positioned, and my weapons don’t seem to be doing damage. I’ll update if I figure these parts out.

Also I’m going to be messing around with ‘gutting’ all of the other weapon mechanics (guns and such) while trying to leave in wand (for magic) and bows. Gonna try and trim it down, modify the movement systems and inventory systems, and make it more of a lean module fitting for a melee/medieval/fantasy theme a bit better. This will probably take weeks/months, and while I can’t/won’t for obvious reasons upload the end result, I can try to document any successful steps I take along the way so other users can follow if they want.

Buying this piece of ■■■■ was my biggest mistake…50$ down the drain.

Putting my last post here before unsubscribing. If you are using this system or looking to use this system, I suggest not. Go check out the VR expansion plugin. It has everything you need for character set up. If you want gun stuff, there are tutorials available for merging VRE with other packs or this one. I wrote the tut for the merge with Weapon Master and VRE.

There is also a plugin my friend and I have developed that is a lot simpler and works better. It is not something that can be sold on the Epic market as it requires the VRE, but I’m working on packing it up for gumroad or something. If you’re interested in testing it / advancing it’s development you can DM me here, DM me on Discord starkium#8540 , or you can head over to my discord server Life Art Studios

I can help you out if you haven’t found a solution yet.

I already did this, I can help you.

I can help you out with a better set up as well.

Just beware if you’re planning to buy this, it is not updated for latest Unreal versions. Last update was for 4.20

This project successfully upgrades to version 4.25. Which is the engine I am currently using with the product.
Epic has done a great job in "upgrading all previous blueprints for backwards compatibility.

With that said, This pack comes with allot of features and is very detailed in terms of functionality and therefor potentially very complicated.

I would recommend it, but be warned there is a large learning curve and the systems are built without quick modding in mind. You basically have to understand how the creator built the system and then modify whatever is needed. This is very complicated. Not a simply component system for beginners. I would add plenty of the weapon creation requires skeletal meshes which is unfortunate because you need knowledge in DCC programs to create custom weapons. That said, I have not tried VRE. I assume its a cleaner process working with VRE and VRE is now more advanced features.

With that in mind. I do have some of the original tutorial explanations of features videos for anyone who already purchased this pack and needs them. I can upload them to my channel if someone in need of them just let me know.

Any plans on networking for this product? Thanks