Water reflections flickering UE 5.0.3

Reflections are flickering on WaterBodyRiver at some angles…
I use BoxReflectionCapture.
Is there any way to fix this?

Someone had similar problems with screen space reflections in another thread

“I see a similar issue with SSR and turning on Realtime for the viewport seems to fix it.”

See if it helps?

Hi, changing AA (tried every type) and turning on Realtime for the viewport (already was) doesn’t help at all ;(

The problem could be the reflection capture system instead of the material itself too.

Are there reflection captures? Are they working properly and without overflowinf the vram buffer?

Does a plane with the same material applied have the same issues?

All things worth checking…

There is single Box Reflection Capture.

Are they working properly and without overflowinf the vram buffer?

My Vram is okay, so… A plane with the same material looks okay, but a water body has like 4 materials. Each one of them looking just right on a plane.

Check that your map is a precise square.
That’s all I got.

Why do you mean by map? A landscape? Yep, it is a precise square. I guess it’s just an Unreal Engine rendering glitch or something…

While developing a very large ocean for my game I had flickering issues (Using a single plane at a scale of 100000 in all axis with the standard ocean material with some adjustments for scale). I solved this by creating my own mesh instead of using the standard plane. I created a plane in blender and subdivided it many many MANY times to get it up to 65k-ish in vertices. (You can right click a plane and hit subdivide in face mode to make this process very quick)

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Thanks. Have you tried UE 5.1 with new Lumen water reflections?

I have not I’m still using UE 5.0.1 - I’m going for a toon shader look so a lot of the simpler solutions are working for me.