I’m having difficulty getting my project to build, and noticed that AActor::GetComponentsByClass is obsolete in UE4 version 4.26.
I have followed a tutorial, and i’m not quite shure how to update my code for it to work.
The code is:
if (!GetOwner()->HasAuthority())
for (auto& VisualComp : GetOwner()->GetComponentsByClass(UPrimitiveComponent::StaticClass()))
if (UPrimitiveComponent* Prim = Cast<UPrimitiveComponent>(VisualComp))
I have tried to modify the code as seen below:
if (!GetOwner()->HasAuthority())
TArray<UPrimitiveComponent*> Components;
GetOwner()->GetComponents(UPrimitiveComponent::StaticClass(), Components);
for (auto VisualComp : Components)
if (UPrimitiveComponent* Prim = Cast<UPrimitiveComponent>(VisualComp))
but this gives and error “C++ no instance of overloaded function “AActor::GetComponents” matches the argument list. argument types are: (UClass *, TArray) object type is: AActor”
Does anyone have a solution for this?