Hi guys, I’m trying to use NVidia’s VXAO in my project. My setup:
Official VXGI build from NVidia.
Basic VXGI setup by enabling VXGI Diffuse, VXGI Ambient (it’s VXAO), VXGI Specular, without tweaking anything.
PBR material, all has VXGI checked.
Skylight set to dynamic and has VXGI checked.
SSAO turned off by setting intensity of “Ambient Occlusion” in Post-Processing to 0.
Pretty much everything is basic.
The problem I’m having is that the AO works fine in standalone mode, i.e. I use the “r.VXGI.AmbientOccolusionMode 1” (the left hand side screenshot), but if I try to use it together with VXGI, i.e. use it within the “VXGI Ambient” section of the VXGI settings, it doesn’t work at all (the right screenshot, which only has diffusion and specular, not AO). Am I missing something very basic here?
Hi! I have read (over the web but I don’t remember the link) that VXGI and VXAO doesn’t work together. Mutual exclusive. You have to use either one or the other. If you are using VXGI and turn on VXAO, then VGGI switch off.
Hmm this is rather confusing because I heard people stated contradicting things about VXGI vs VXAO. For example byzantos.com - byzantos Resources and Information. says VXAO is already included in VXGI, and if you want only the AO part you can run r.VXGI.AmbientOcclusionMode 1. However from my tests your read seems correct, they’re mutual exclusive, you have to choose either GI or AO, not both. I take it you’re right, from what I read in Nvidia docs it does seems like you have to switch to VXAO mode specifically. VXAO: Voxel Ambient Occlusion | NVIDIA Developer
“To start using VXAO, just set the console variable “r.VXGI.AmbientOcclusionMode” to 1 and enable VXGI Diffuse Tracing in Post-Process Volume settings.”