VR template + Revit = Optimization difficulities

Hello everyone,
After a bit of a break with ue4, I hopped back in with the vr (ease of use) improvements brought with 4.7.6.
I’ve been having difficulties with performance. As it stands, all I have done so far was import my revit model (un-combined meshes, w/o collisions, and auto generate uv lightmap) and basically hit ‘play’. I’m still having a few issues w/ overlapping UV’s for a few select meshes (which i can often fix by simply increasing lightmap res to ~512 or ~1024).
Otherwise this is the state of things, while using the community built VR template: Launch game standalone via ‘right click’ ‘launch game’.

  • I get roughly +160fps consistently (non stereo)
  • With ‘stereo on’ it goes to ~75fps when facing away from building, down to ~35fps when facing the building
  • If I disable shadows using the built in tab menu, it jumps right back up to 75fps, and is very smooth.

I’m still trying to grasp some concepts, but If I’m not mistaken, shadows are part of the lighting that gets built, which shouldn’t affect fps so dramatically. Am I hitting the ‘35fps’ lock/bug that I have read about?

Any insight that someone can give would be greatly appreciated.