I am very new to Ureal Engine. I am using VR template. But after I use datasmith to import the model. It is a house has has three floors. I would not use controller to teleport different floors.
I found Navmesh Bounds Volume and changed the height in Scale setting. Also Changed Recast Navmesh agent radius. It is still not working.
What should I do to make it work. So I can teleport in different height.
Thank you so much.
Does the model have collision for each floor? The easiest solution would be to add a Blocking Volume to each floor, as automatically generating collision for the house would generate a big block for the whole model.
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Hi, Thank you so much for your help. Create block does help a lot. I can finally teleport to the different level. I was wondering moving forward how do I fix the issue properly? Is there anything i can looking into. Thank you so much.