First of all, Thank you for this, it is amazing! Saved me a ton of time! One question though…
How would I go about running with multiplayer?
When I run it with multiple players every other player ‘leans’ towards the current player (as if else’s head is trying to attach to my neck). I am assuming it is something to do with replication? Could someone point me in the right direction to get multiplayer working with please??.. I NEED Rift multiplayer!
FYI I am running UE4 4.5 with Oculus DK1 (untill my DK2 arrives)
I don’t have my DK2 with me right now. I use in 4.5 but can’t get any of the cool features to work. I don’t see the crosshair either. If I hit the tilde key I do get the menu but can’t select anything. Can someone enlighten me what I do wrong? Does the Oculus have to be connected for to work?
Yes, the menu is only interactable when oculus is enabled. You can turn the crosshair on and off by going into the VRcontroller BP and ticking the boolean
I’m pretty new to unreal in general. How do I go about making a “look at” event? It seems like it’s already in template but only for highlighting stuff? I just want to be able to trigger something when the player looks at a particular object.
I want to create a prototype for a third person VR Rift camera setup. I think I could base it off of your template here. Would you have any objections or is s third person version something you’re already working on?
The Rift First Person template is awesome and working for everything I need except for pitch and roll. I am trying to make a roller coaster type ride that the exploration character can ride, and translations and yaw work perfect, but when the vehicle pitches or rolls, the character remains standing straight up and does not rotate with the vehicle. Does anyone know how to enable the character to respond to the pitch and roll of the animated cube it is standing on? Or a way to just lock the character to the animated cube but still allow for VR head tracking? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
I want to create a prototype for a third person VR Rift camera setup. I think I could base it off of your template here. Would you have any objections or is s third person version something you’re already working on?
Go ahead and make it, I’ve been really busy for the past few weeks and will be for the next few so I haven’t been working on anything template related for a little bit, it would be awesome if once it is done you could make it available for just like the other templates though.
[=Spectral Illusions;172384]
The Rift First Person template is awesome and working for everything I need except for pitch and roll. I am trying to make a roller coaster type ride that the exploration character can ride, and translations and yaw work perfect, but when the vehicle pitches or rolls, the character remains standing straight up and does not rotate with the vehicle. Does anyone know how to enable the character to respond to the pitch and roll of the animated cube it is standing on? Or a way to just lock the character to the animated cube but still allow for VR head tracking? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
yeah the first person template was never meant for pitch and roll from external sources. However I made a video on how to fix it here you’ll have to translate the problem from the car to the coaster but it shouldn’t be extremely difficult.
Hey, im new to UE4 and Oculus, received it a week ago. and ive been messing around with UE4 for a few days, and im stuck with template, i’ve managed to add FPS hands to the camera, and get it to move left and right when my character turns, but i cant get the hands to stay with the camera itself, when i look up with the rift, the hands stay aiming infront, is there anyway to get the hands to follow where i look, as if i am aiming? if anyone could point me in the right direction to a tutorial or something, would be appreciated, ive looked around for a few hours and had no luck so far, thanks!
Hey, im new to UE4 and Oculus, received it a week ago. and ive been messing around with UE4 for a few days, and im stuck with template, i’ve managed to add FPS hands to the camera, and get it to move left and right when my character turns, but i cant get the hands to stay with the camera itself, when i look up with the rift, the hands stay aiming infront, is there anyway to get the hands to follow where i look, as if i am aiming? if anyone could point me in the right direction to a tutorial or something, would be appreciated, ive looked around for a few hours and had no luck so far, thanks!
You should try epics First Person template I believe it does what you are looking for
You should try epics First Person template I believe it does what you are looking for
thanks for the response quickly.
I already had a look a that blue print and i’ve tried to get it to work, but it just doesn’t. The FPS hands only move when the entire character model rotates, i’m trying to get it so that the hands stay locked to the camera when i look around with rift, in a similarway to a crosshair i guess you could say, when i move my mouse left/right/up/down in normal mode(w/o rift) it stays locked in place like it should, but i cant seem to get it to work with rift. the example from the FPS template is different, as when you look around the hands/gun can end up in a funny angle, hence the reason why i would like to keep it locked to the screen. is driving me crazy, when its probably something simple. thanks for any help!
I don’t see the point of making an “old FPS style camera” with the rift but… Try ripping the model in several parts as it was made by for the head, and attach the arm part to the camera. Otherwise, you can try to make the spine bone (one or two, i don’t have the skeleton in mind), to copy rotation, but you will have to tweak some offset for sure.
First of all thanks for the preset!
Just found that the visual quality of my game looses a lot of detail compared to what i used to see (detailed ilumination, oclusion). Does anyone knows why?
thanks in advance.
how do i get the VR template to keep the character movement relative to the camera angle? for example, if im moving forward and look left, it slowly turns to where im looking, how do i get to instantly turn and move forward wherever im looking?
First of all thanks for the preset!
Just found that the visual quality of my game looses a lot of detail compared to what i used to see (detailed ilumination, oclusion). Does anyone knows why?
thanks in advance.
When launching the game in Rift mode, press the menu button, the menu will then appear, then click on the Gear, and increase details and shadows. However, shadows are very framerate eating, so i suggest you leave the default if you tend to get low fps. That may be what you are looking for. If i remember well, that the default Quality preset that is given within the template that is made to gain FPS, so changing them might be the way you are looking for.
how do i get the VR template to keep the character movement relative to the camera angle? for example, if im moving forward and look left, it slowly turns to where im looking, how do i get to instantly turn and move forward wherever im looking?
IMO, you really should avoid that. First reason is for motion sickness. It could be very uncomfortable for the user to always go where he looks, and feel unatural. Plus, it forces player to move his body a lot and often.
Second reason, still IMO, is that the OR would looses all its interest, because it would act as a screen in front of the eyes. I mean, it is, but removing the decoupled mode to totally OFF is like playing on a screen with 3D glass, adding motion sickness.
Is it really mandatory to go that way ?
IMO, you really should avoid that. First reason is for motion sickness. It could be very uncomfortable for the user to always go where he looks, and feel unatural. Plus, it forces player to move his body a lot and often.
Second reason, still IMO, is that the OR would looses all its interest, because it would act as a screen in front of the eyes. I mean, it is, but removing the decoupled mode to totally OFF is like playing on a screen with 3D glass, adding motion sickness.
Is it really mandatory to go that way ?
Many people (including myself) prefer to move forward directly from the view angle. Having weird semi-strafing angular movement when you try to move forward feels much more uncomfortable to me than just moving forward immediately. IIRC Oculus said the numbers are about 50/50 as to who prefers which mode. Maybe someone could implement an option to switch between the two, just like with comfort mode vs smooth rotation?
Many people (including myself) prefer to move forward directly from the view angle. Having weird semi-strafing angular movement when you try to move forward feels much more uncomfortable to me than just moving forward immediately. IIRC Oculus said the numbers are about 50/50 as to who prefers which mode. Maybe someone could implement an option to switch between the two, just like with comfort mode vs smooth rotation?
P.S. template is awesome, great work OP
I thought we’re long past moving where we’re looking. It really makes no sense unless your whole body turns. So either standing or swiveling on a chair. But walking forward (so your fingers are kinda the legs) and then walking wherever your head is looking is all kinds of wrong. Not to mention it’s impossible to turn your head 360° degrees so you will always need an additional way to to turn anyway.
Do you have a link to where Oculus said such a thing?
Many people (including myself) prefer to move forward directly from the view angle. Having weird semi-strafing angular movement when you try to move forward feels much more uncomfortable to me than just moving forward immediately. IIRC Oculus said the numbers are about 50/50 as to who prefers which mode. Maybe someone could implement an option to switch between the two, just like with comfort mode vs smooth rotation?
P.S. template is awesome, great work OP
Just thought I’d chime in on conversation, you should be able to go into the movement options in the in game menu and deselect rotate towards HMD orientation to get the view back to how you like it