**I have stopped supporting template for the time being, the thread and post will remain for posterity’s sake.
For the future of the template and my work in the VR community see this post **
for my tutorial series thread: [Tutorial] 's VR Lab, an introduction to VR in UE4 - XR Development - Epic Developer Community Forums
------Original post follows------
There was recent post on the Oculus Sub Reddit Reddit Link Asking for a Rift game template, I thought I might build one up, it’s focused for beginners who haven’t done much with UE4 and therefore has the blueprints that I generally use with most rift projects. Also from suggestions from forum post I created a separate Space Shooter Template post will be split up into two sections the first being the first person template and the second being the space shooter.
I have now put both projects on which allows any edits you do to be easily shared with the community, I will still update post with the new features and downloads however.
------First Person Template------
-Latest- V0.4.1
Google Drive V0.3
Google Drive V0.2
Google Drive V0.1
Once Downloaded Unzip the package into your templates directory, generally in ‘C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine[Version]\Templates’
After when you launch the engine you should see the new ‘rift first person’ template
-In Game changing of Important settings to the Rift, Screen Percentage and Distortion Scale
-Look based interaction for blueprints(currently Highlighting, toggling visibility and time based interactions). Here’s a Video of how I go about setting up the first two.
-Head Rotation Blend Spaces controlled by the HMD rotation
-Semi-modular character so you can’t see the inside of the head in game
-Rift optimised global post processing
-Character rotation based from head look and positional tracking body IK
-VR Comfort Mode (for more info visit CloudHeadGames)
-Decoupled View, as well as ‘Tank Style’ looking when not moving
-A context menu for changing locomotion, HMD settings and scalability settings
Edit 25/06/14 (V0.2)Added Locomotion options and often used movement input mechanics
Edit 28/06/14 (V0.3)Added A context menu toggled by ‘Enter’ allows changing of scalability settings and movement mechanics, also added time based interaction for telling how long you’ve looked at an interactive object.
Edit 31/08/14 (v0.4)DK2 support
All Video Links:
Head Offsets
Highlighting and look interaction
VR Controller
Locomotion Options
Context Menu
Time Based Interaction
DK2 Update
------Space Shooter Template------
-Latest- V0.2
Once Downloaded Unzip the package into your templates directory, generally in ‘C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine[Version]\Templates’
-Full 6DOF pawn
-IK based hand interaction with the steering wheel
-Two weapons, one straight fire laser rockets the other target seeking missile
-3D menu for scalability settings
-3D HUD with time based interactions for triggering missiles and Health Bar and Energy Bar
DK2 Update
Edit 6/07/14 (v0.1) Added the space shooter template
Edit 31/08/14 (v0.1) DK2 update
I’ll continue to update these templates for free but if you feel like they have helped you enough feel free to