VR Expansion Plugin

Hello, I found an interesting document on how the walking dead implemented stabbing and the variable force required during the stab and the withdraw with the use of curves. https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/t…saints-sinners. Would anyone have any suggestions on implementing into the melee script?

Ok, i make a seated game and i reset the location and rotation on begin play. And also via action buttons.
i tried to add the plugin to my project. It builded one and ignored one. Also when i now opening my project now the hand offset bug is back.

You could do that by variable constraint forces on the stab, they faked a lot of the physics of their interactions which you could do as well. But as is with how it is setup now, you could make the initial penetration just slightly into the spot with a strong force, then sample the constraint impulse against your threshold to decide whether to relax it (let it breach in) or not by setting a new constraint stiffness / damping and offsetting the local pose to be inside the object more.

You can do all of it in BP post the penetration detection, which is why that part was left out of the script itself in the first place, for customization.

As I told you, the bug being in the base engine source, my plugin is also going to suffer from it.

Yeah but i already fixed it. And i can see my changed code is here. But since i added the plugin it broke

Sounds like you reverted then, the plugin doesn’t alter anything there.

Are there any plans to include the grasping hands or physics grasping hands in any way, outside of the template project? I was hoping it would become a component like the VR lever, but I understand if it will just keep staying an example.
I’ve been looking through the blueprint and dread trying to move it outside of the example project.

Rather not, the important and “hard” part with the welded body driver was done in c++, the rest is an example so people can take or use what they wish. If I made it a dedicated actor or component it would be limiting it.

I did as you said, but when i grip something the hand becomes huge, around 5 times as large, and becomes practically a physics prop, it is not connected to the held object in any way, and pushing it with my other arm makes it roll away. Are there any other steps i need to do to get it to work. All i want it for, say, a lever to get blocked from completing if my hand is in the way. I thought it wouldn’tbe that hard. I underestimated it lmao.

That is literally all I changed in the template to write out the steps for you.

Also if you are doing it to a VRLever, those aren’t physics based and won’t be blocked, you would need to make a physics lever for that.

Hi , thank you for your wonderful work!

I have a problem and I’d wish you could point me in the right direction:

Trying to build a full body avatar and I’d like to update the root / parent relative attachment location separately from the camera location so the body wouldn’t move around when I just slightly move my head around or lean. The character body is currently attached to the parent relative attachment.

What would you suggest I do? Thanks.

Use the SetParentComponent implementation to parent it to a scene component that you move yourself, or disable ticking on it and manage everything yourself, or detach the mesh from the PRC and manage it yourself.

Thanks for the reply, I’ll try one of your suggestions.

Btw. How is the arm IK progressing? Really looking forward to it!

Stalled as I got busy with things in life getting in the way and other projects for the plugin. Have a few things that I need to fix with it before I would consider it even being worth finishing. I’m not in the business of IK work, I just wanted to experiment with that particular paper and it was novel, it has some draw backs that would need solved before being used in any sort of generic way.

I wouldn’t put an ik solution in the plugin at all unless it was better on average than other full package offerings, better to let the dedicated IK guys handle it if that isn’t the case.

hi .

I’m making a physics door now, but there’s one problem. Assuming that the weight of the physics door is set to very heavy, it feels very heavy when holding and handling it, but when the VR Character moves forward through location, the motion controller moves together, so the door opens without any weight. I think VRRootReference is because simulate physics are disabled and physical reactions are all coming from the movement reference. In conclusion, can’t you let the vr charter root capsule be affected by the unreal world mass?


In the “**Simulated objects and the character” **section.

Sounds like the door is bouncing off the capsule, you can change it with that there, however simulated interactions are off by default for a good reason, most games aren’t going to want physical interactions with the capsule as you have to specifically design around it or you can end up in situations where you are throwing the player around or stuttering them on simulating objects (in specific case leaning your head forward into the door would slow your actual head movements down).

Also keep in mind that character controllers are never “simulating”, they are kinematic always, but they have some hand coded physical responses in them to emulate force feedback.

Hi i have been playing with the multiplayer component is there a tutorial as to how to get things working as my npcs are only dying on the host side as well as particles etc etc i’m still new to the multiplayer stuff so any help would be appreciated everything else is working perfectly so thank you for that :slight_smile:

So I’m taking a stroll through the tut videos and I think I’m running up against a wall. On the second video where you use a tracer to grip, I can’t seem to get the tracer to fire. I’m aware that new characters etc don’t work unless you go to input on defaults and get them working but that also didn’t work?

That is kind of a generic multiplayer question and there are any number of tutorials and documentation places for that.

You need to bind to input in input settings yes, and then place the input event in your graph and fire the logic off of that. If you are on SteamVR and its not firing input you need to regenerate the input manifest from their menu button as its a common problem with it after its recent re-write.

Hey ,

I’m currently implementing weapon holsters in my project and wanted to know, where is your logic for attaching GunBase to the body component when you drop it in the example template? I thought it was the “Drop and Socket Grip” function in your “Drop single item” block in the main vr pawn but I don’t see a socket on the static mesh.

I’ll probably end up going the socket route on a custom holster, but wanted to know the proper place to put it and how you implemented it.

Thanks again!