I’m looking for advice on how to set up my VR project with nice lighting and still hit 90fps. It’s a huge project with multiple sub-levels, all interior stuff so I have a lot of sunlight breaking through windows, doors etc. However, I’m at a problem with frame rate and quality. My frames in parts have been going as low as 20fps. I checked the GPU visualiser and it’s all coming from basepass, it fills the entire bar, which tells me the lighting is to blame.
Is there any methods that anyone has used to create the same look and feel as a skylight without the performance costs? Seen something about a cubemap but I have no idea.
Current Light Setup
- Stationairy Light Source
- Moveable Skylight
- Multiple Omni point lights for generic lighting of dark areas (no shadows)
- Skysphere
I’ve got about 12 maps within my persistent level. I’ve had this running at 90fps without using a GI setup (using only point-lights so you could see). Any advice would be great! Thanks!