In the past, I used a rectangle light + a light blocker mesh in front of the actual light. When adding the Exponential Height Fog Element to the scene, the rays show up nicely.
However, doing this again on another project, I am not getting the desired effect.
This is my model blueprint:
There’s no need to raise your intensity so high, you can increase the volumetric scatter intensity beyond what the slider will allow by typing the number in:
The noise is probably because the holes are so small, you may need to decrease the voxel size of the volumetric fog using this command: r.VolumetricFog.GridPixelSize
The setting defaults to 8 (I think), lower numbers will capture finer detail at the cost of a lot of performance. I wouldn’t suggest going below 4 if this needs to run in realtime
Using an intensity of 20 + 250VSI I’m getting nothing at all, I tried 200 instead, still getting a very subtle result compared to yours which looks clean and crisp.
Also set the pixelsize to 4 but it didn’t help (I’m loading the fog element via BP) cause it can be turned on/off
I can only assume its related to the size, volumetric fog generally cannot capture small details. You can try setting gridpixelsize to 3 or 2… but expect a huge performance hit…
Only other thing I can suggest is maybe try using a light function instead of a blocker. If the issue is with the shadowmap resolution that should fix it. Again though this will probably come at a performance cost…
Another update:
I upgraded to 5.1 to check the matter, so light functions work now,
but I don’t get the same clean ray as you, the areas closer to the beginning of the spotlight are super pixeled, even thought I’m on pixelsize 4: