Hi guys,
I just test my project on UE5.03 and converted to UE5.1 then in 5.1 I have some issues with volumetric fog.
Volumetric fog works properly in “Epic” Scalability setting in 5.03, while I can get the same volumetric fog effect in 5.1 only in cinematic scalability setting. (“Epic” scalability in 5.1 shows the wrong Volumetric fog result compared to project in 5.03)
Here is SS:
UE5.03 Epic
UE5.1 Epic
UE5.1 Cinematic
Have any changes been made in volumetric fog formation? Because the “cinematic” scalability result in 5.1 gives the same result as the “epic” scalability in 5.03. really challenging in terms of performance.