Volumetric Clouds not working with orthographic camera.

Hi everyone,

I have a top down camera that is set to orthographic and some basic volumetric height fog set up with a box that has a volumetric material applied to it. It all works, I see it in editor and when playing a camera that is set to perspective I can also see the volumetric clouds.
However, when switching to orthographic view, the clouds are simply not being rendered.
I tried various settings or thought it was some clipping issue but after going through all settings I am out of ideas.

Maybe its just a setting I am overlooking or is it a rendering bug? If this is intentional, does somebody know why volumetrics do not render with orthographic cameras?

Thanks in advance!

Hey there @Ordun! Welcome back to the community! This is unfortunately an issue with the way orthographic views are rendered. Many components that have any tricks that relate to depth won’t always work correctly in ortho views.

There have been some fixes to ortho views in the pipeline, though not sure if this specific use case was being addressed so best to put in a bug report:


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