Volumetric Clouds do not appear in Packaged Build


if anybody could point me to what could cause the following issue I’d be extremely grateful, as I’m out of hints.

I’m using Volumetric Clouds in my game. The Clouds render without any issue both in P.I.E. and when you launch a map as “Standalone Game”.

However, they’re completely gone from a packaged build – no matter if in “debug” or “shipping” mode.

Any idea why this might be happening?

Thanks in advance,


After much sweating I finally found a solution for this and am sharing it here in case other folks stumble upon the same issue.

First, a bit more context: I’m using the “Volumetrics” plug-in to art direct my clouds, I’m indeed using BP_CloudMaskGenerator and BP_CloudMask_Object following [this excellent tutorial][1] from William Faucher.

As said, everything works fine in PIE and launching “as a standalone game” from the editor, but the moment you package, the clouds are gone.

Afaiu, it’s because the CloudMaskGenerator doesn’t get a chance to actually produce its masks and store them in the appropriate Render Targets. The solution I found: in BP_CloudMaskGenerator, in the Event Graph, add a call to BeginPlay followed by “Allocate RTs” and “Render Clouds”:

That’s it!




After UE5 Release Event Begin play doesn’t work anymore.
Just connect the Event Tick node to Allocate RTs.