Vive Pro HMD Vive Trackers

Hello Everybody,
I am new to Unreal Engine. I am working with VR in UE 5 and want to use HMD with vive trackers both at same time. I want to use Vive trackers for positioning and rotation of the objects while hmd for rendering. If I add -xrtracking only to the Unreal Engine shortcut then only trackers work and it stops hmd rendering.

It would be great if someone can provide me with some guidelines or method to for how t setup both hmd and tracker in UE 5.

Thank you

Drop down to 5.2 and dont use tracking only. Currently i have only been able to get it to work on 5.2
There seems to be an issue with 5.3 that i haven’t had time to resolve and spent the last couple months trying to do

Thank you for the response but I found the solution to make it work in 5.3.

Try this tutorial to make it work in 5.3.

So if you turn on any of the other plugins on it will stop working? If so its not a viable solution for me unfortunately

I am not sure which plugins you mean. But I am working with Steam VR and it is working as it should.

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