Visibility properties not updating in 5.4 when track created through C++

Hi to the wonderfull people at UDN,

I’ve been developing a tool (C++) to import an entire cutscene sequence into Unreal with a single button press. This creates a sequence and populates it with all relevant tracks to drive objects in game.

However I’ve ran into a problem under 5.4 where my visibility tracks (Actor Hidden In Game) no longer effect the actual property on the Actor.

If my Actor doesn’t have a visibility track and I key the ‘Actor Hidden In Game’ property from the Details panel manually, the key values do drive the property value correctly.

If I do the same but on a visibility property created by my import tool, the new keys are added to the track but again the track does not update the actor property.

Code process is as follows:-

  1. Create a UMovieSceneVisibilityTrack using the object Guid and add it to the MovieScene
  2. SetPropertyNameAndPath to bHidden
  3. Set DisplayName to ‘Actor Hidden In Game’
  4. Create a UMovieSceneBoolSection
  5. set the Sections range
  6. Add Section to the Track

This all works fine with 5.3 :slight_smile:

Has anyone got any incite to what process I’m missing to get the propert binding to work?

Any help is most appreciated, thanks in advance.

I believe we introduced UMovieSceneVisibilitySection in 5.4, can you create that instead of UMovieSceneBoolSection?

After upgrading to 5.4 I also have the same problem, it also does not display

Sorry for the (very) long delay.
I was allredy creating the section using UMovieSceneVisibilityTrack::CreateSection so I can confirm the issue still exists :frowning: