Virtual Runtime Texture blurry

So I setup a VRT with the Brushfiy Tool and it’s working fine, but like you can see in the video there is always blurry party when i turn arround too fast.
How can I fix this, do I need to increase the Cache?

i have a similar issue… ever find the reason? RVTs are terrible if this is how they are supposed to perform. Espeacially on dual 3090, 32 thread, solid state drive pc…

VTs do take a moment to update sometimes. You can try and increase the poolsize.

Virtual Texture Memory Pools in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation.

any idea what the build option does in runtime virtual texture? I look at the optimization… and it says there is an option to enable it, but in 5.3 that option does not exist… You can generate it… but no option to actually use it … it seems. Curious if building it as a streaming virtual texture would make it perform better.

Did you follow the steps in the docs? You can enable the debug view to see where the SVT mips are being used


that actually does not seem to have any effect either.

That doc has the following note section that i put here in quotes… which does not exist in 5.3

" By default, the Editor always renders with runtime generated RVT data and doesn’t render with the streaming virtual texture data. This avoids the need to update the streaming virtual texture after each relevant edit.

To render with the streaming virtual texture in the RVT low mips, select the Use Streaming Low Mips in Editor property in the RVT Volume Details panel."

Pretty sure they’re referring to the “View In Editor” flag that I showed in my screenshot.

In works for me at least.

teh debug works in editor actually when i click view in editor, sort of… but it still is a blurry mess for me… check the following link. (the blurry loading of the streaming around edges of the bright object are best example. Happens with debug or not debug…

actually the debug mode may actually have proper looking mip levels… still running tests… but removing the debug adds a weird shine to the overall thing which does not lookl ike the rvt…

I was wondering about that as well, when I look at the generated VT it shows the base color in RGB but A appears to contain the X normal channel, with no Normal Y, roughness, specular, etc.

So I think it is just storing the Base Color, then using whatever the default roughness value is, resulting in that shininess.

here is attached what it looks like with RVT vs with the check box for it to be viewed in editor the baked one…

mine is set to base roughness normal, but yea it almost seems like the color is the only thing thats working… with a weird shine and no normal info

I mean the generated SVT that is created when you build the streaming VT, not the RVT settings. You can open it up and look at it once its built.

ive tried exporting it by right clicking it… its simply just the color texture… no normal texture or anything else.

Mine seems to have the X axis of the normal map packed into the alpha channel:

Honestly not sure anything but base color is actually intended to work.

seems broken… mine has no alpha… Thats with color, roughness, and normal setting… not using specular.

seems like RVTs are pretty useless in terms of streaming them in… they look very very ugly. If it could all be exported to a texture on your hard drive for materials to use it would run a lot better apparently… But right now this seems to be a major oversight unless im missing something.

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I think its intended to only be used for distant mips where the roughness/normal data will be largely lost anyway.

its not even worth that… the shine at a distance and color change makes it look entirely different…

any idea if theres a way to make RVTs update faster? Right now half the floor being blurry when turning the camera slightly is not useable.

Your call but it’s basically the same as how HLODs are expected to be used. At least you can set a roughness constant for them though.

No idea sorry