Run Time Virtual Textures blurry when streaming

I have attached a video of RVT textures being extremely blurry and updating extra slow… Am i doing something wrong? Because otherwise RVT are useless and all hype. My computer is a 32 thread cpu with dual rtx 3090s… and a solid state hard drive…

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for anyone who stumbles on this topic… I fixed it by adding the following to my projects DefaultEngine.ini

default pool size is usually 64… i just upped the value… to 512

; Configure VT physical memory pools. Useful commands to set these:
; “stat virtualtexturing” show dynamic use of the VT system including the cache loads
; “r.VT.ListPhysicalPool” list in-depth details on the allocated physical pools
; “r.VT.DumpPoolUsage” list in-depth details on asset usage of physical pools
; The default pool size and behavior is set here. It can be overridden in project config files.
+Pools=(SizeInMegabyte=512, bAllowSizeScale=False, bEnableResidencyMipMapBias=True)
; Specific pools can be configured per tile size or format in project config files. Examples commented below:
;+Pools=(Formats=(PF_DXT1), SizeInMegabyte=36, bAllowSizeScale=True, ScalabilityGroup=1, bEnableResidencyMipMapBias=False)
;+Pools=(Formats=(PF_DXT5, PF_DXT5), SizeInMegabyte=100)

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