I have been using UEFN since launch, previously had never used UE and never played Fortnite until UEFN launch, I generally use a gaming PC but also purchased a gaming laptop which is where the issues are.
I know very little with tech, the laptop says intel core i7
Nvidia geforce RTX
Vector GP75
The issue almost always happens when the laptop is plugged in, when running on the battery I think it has only happened once or twice, problem is I only get up to 40 mins on the battery (bought laptop new) I am told all the graphics and demanding stuff uses the battery faster - unsure how true that is, It has happened in UE twice but always happens with UEFN sometimes I might get an hour or a few hours and other times it is instant or I get a few mins and then the screen shakes so violently, I have to do CTRL / ALT / Del to stop it, I might get a few mins or longer before this happens again or it can be instant, drives me mad - wondering if anyone else has suffered this and if there is a way to stop it happening, Fortnite works fine on the battery when playing the game, everything else works fine that I have tried the only time this happens in Unreal editor and UEFN, I only purchased the laptop for UEFN so am getting little use on it.
Any help / info would be really appreciated, thanks in advance.
I put up an image of what is shown after the crash which happens all the time.