Video Player 360 (2D, 180, 360, Stereo)

Sure, but I came back from vacation and my computer is out of order, I’ve been waiting for new parts all month. I plan to update the plugin to version 5.3 soon. Don’t worry, the plugin works.

Hey Ivan.

I got error when I tried to test your video player. My UE is v5.2.1

I dragged VR Pawn, Menu Player, and ScreenTheatre_ForOneVideo into the scene. And set Actor Pawn Location of ScreenTheatre to VR_Pawn. Please help me solve it. Thanks.

You need play one video?
Try this

And you can try open demo maps and check working

Hey Ivan,

Thanks for the reply.
My goal is to play these two 8K 360 videos in VR with my Quest 2. Here is the link to the video files and you can take a look (Stitched - Google Drive)

The map Example_PC_Pawn works for me now. But it went laggy when I tried to play the video. Do you know any way to improve it?

I also tried the map Example_VR_Cinema. I can entered the scene in VR but the menu had no response to my input via quest 2 controller. Any idea?


Try check this information from official

Yes, you need add input for you controller

Hello there!

I´m developing an experience for a HTC Focus 3 (standalone headset), in which we need to create a scene that has a 8k 360 stereo (Top/Bottom) video as a background, and some 3d interactable objects near the player, so, the idea would be to create a video sphere, like 3 or 4 meters away from the player, and have the objects nearby. Would this be possible with your plugin? we also would need to decode/render the video from the GPU.

Please let me know if this would be possible. And if there is some demo project that i can download to start playing with it.

Thanks in advance!


I almost do not update this player anymore, for this reason I have reduced the cost.

For example, you can take stereo shaders for your purposes, there is such an opportunity there and already modify your player.

Also included is a file browser.

Nothing prevents you from making your own functional player for your needs. In fact, you copy the shader, attach it to your sphere, create a media player sheet, and add your 3D objects to the sphere.

As for decoding, a standard media framework is used here, you can check the operation of 8k videos in a regular Epic games player, and check the performance. → please find Playback Optimization