Video Player 360 (2D, 180, 360, Stereo)

If you need a refund, just email me I will make a request to Epic Games Marketplace.
If you do it yourself, they will recommend contacting the author of the product, that is, me.

I will now try to pack the game in Shipping mode with will write a little later.

Thanks. I’m hoping we can get this working though.

I checked, it’s strange, there was no such problem before.
If you pack the game Use Pack File, the file browser does not read the disks.
My settings
If you uncheck the box, the browser works. I need to understand why.

And maybe check this setting

I think I’ve found the reason, I’ll check everything tomorrow and write to you.

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Any progress?

Hi! I’m still working on it.

It’s all good. I made changes and now everything works. I will try to post an update now. I think one or two days and the update will be available on the market.
You don’t have to change any settings. The changes affected the C++ code.

Awesome, thanks! I’ll keep an eye out for it.

Hi! Please check.
You can update in Epic Games Launcher.

I deleted my previous project, updated, and created a new one.

The file system now shows up in VR and normal mode.

Unfortunately, in VR mode, the menu will completely disappear at different times, in both my level and the default VR Cinema.

I tested it several ways. Show/hide the menu works well until suddenly the menu disappears, then show/hide no longer works.

I have had the menu disappear when it was animating between the main menu and the finder menu. I have had it disappear when loading a movie while one was already running, and I have had it disappear on the first click on the finder menu.

All times it seems to disappear as I am interacting with it. And to repeat, show/hide works fine up until that moment, so it is not hidden in a normal way, it appears to be gone.

I also tested the 2D version, and did not experience this bug after clicking many different times, loading videos, etc.

So in summary, the file system is working in VR now, but a new bug was introduced that causes the menu to disappear at random times, after clicking elements in the UI. Sometimes it works for 20 clicks then disappears, sometimes it disappears after the first click. This happens in the demo as well as my map.


I thought I fixed this bug in previous versions. I’ll see what the problem might be.
Thank you for telling me! I’ll come back to you tomorrow.

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Any progress on this?

Good afternoon!
I’m trying to catch this problem, it happens by accident. While in the process of finding a problem.

Tell me, which version of the engine do you work in?
I can’t reproduce the interface disappearing error. I have done a lot of tests and the menu is displayed correctly.
And you can send email to

Unreal 5. I’ll send you an email but I prefer to work here.

As you prefer. I wrote you an email.

Hi! Information.
Playback Optimization
Information taken from an official source MediaFrameWork. Media Framework Technical Reference for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

The WMF Media Plugin offers some options that you can use to customize the way it decodes and plays back your media. If the Plugin doesn’t play your media with the responsiveness, smoothness, or performance that you need, you can try enabling these options.

Setting Description
Low Latency This setting minimizes delays, or latency, in media playback. If your video playback tends to lag, this setting may help you achieve a faster response from the WMF Media Plugin. However, enabling this setting may adversely affect the quality of the video and/or audio.
Only works on Windows 8 or later.
Hardware Accelerated Video Decoding (Experimental) Uses the GPU to decode video streams instead of the CPU. If your CPU is a bottleneck on your video performance, this setting may improve the smoothness of your video playback. It may also enable you to use more media at the same time, with larger resolutions.

Only works on Windows platforms, rendering with DirectX 11.

This option is considered Experimental. We do not recommend shipping projects with Experimental features.

Posting this here instead of in the marketplace.

For some reason UE4’s 6K Video playback was smooth. In UE5 6K Video Playback lags.

If your plugin plays 6K back smoothly I may actually consider it.

EDIT: The reason seems to be a Vulkan vs OpenGL performance difference.

EDIT: This is regarding on Android, not windows.

EDIT: If you have a sample project using this plugin with 6K Video playing back smoothly on Quest 2 I’d love to try it out.

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NEWS 14.05.2023. Fix Update for 5.1 and 5.2 version.
Errors have been detected. Fixes will be in the next update.

Fix Problem Play/Pause when start video, stop, stop when finished video.
Fix Problem in selection menu video.
Fix If Your object Hiden, You cahnge projection to 180/360/FullScreen and try Back to 2D screen, Your hiden object Visible. You need Add Tag for Your object Hiden and Your object not visible.

If there are any errors, please let me know.

I would like to use your video player 360 plugin in my project. I watched your tutorial videos on your YouTube. Will you update for Unreal Engine 5.3 and next versions? and did you fix bugs in your previous message.

Best regards