Video Player 360 (2D, 180, 360, Stereo)

The Menu Player Widget sometimes disappears completely when playing an animation.

Also I am unable to move in the Multiple Screens map and test both screens playing.

Hi, shm0!

  1. Yes, the problem with the widget disappearing is only seen in version 4.26. Do you have the option to use version 4.25 ?

If not, I will check today how to fix this problem, it is strange that in all versions there is no such problem, only in 4.26.

  1. You try open demo map? Example_Trigger_MultipleScreens

    And change in Screen 1 and Screen 2 → Path for your video.

I found error hiden widget.

Try this solution:

  1. Open VideoPlayer360/Blueprints/Widget/Find_Widget
    and change this code. Connect End Time to End Time

I will send an update for the fix today.

Hi I’m interested in purchasing this video player - just curious if it’s possible to have videos play concurrently OR switch between videos such that they will be in sync (i.e. pick up from the same point in the video/timestamp).

Hi, artcap1!
You will not be able to use one file browser and several different videos at the same time.
Yes, you can use simultaneous playback, but in this case the file browser will not be used and then there is no point in buying this plugin.
This video player is mainly focused on playing a single video.

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Which video resultions in mono and stereo 360° will it play in good quality? Thanks a lot.

video player uses the standard unreal engine media framework. Technical information. in general, the quality is high.
you can independently check how any video that you play inside the unreal engine will work.


I’m using your plugin in VR but having trouble brining up the VR menu. I set up inputs and reset is working, but neither the M key (as it is set in by default) nor my VR controllers as I defined them are triggering the widget “menu player” (as it is in the blueprint by default) to become visible.


Please look

You need added your input in project settings.

As I said in my question I have set up the inputs and they are working properly on the other functions.

As I said in my question, the M key, which you have defined as an alternative method to bring up the menu, is not functioning either.

Very strange. You can send email to
Please tell me, you Loaded level → Exampe_VR_Cinema

I check and press M working.

Please check, Input player0 ?

I was not using the VR Cinema because I’m trying to run 5k 3d 360 video at full fps so don’t need the extra geometry. I am using a blank project and following the Quick Setup instructions in your documentation.

Checking that map again to check it out, I see now that the “Menu Player” is what is missing from the Quick Setup section of the documentation, and so I wasn’t adding it. I suggest adding that to the documentation for VR setup.


Thanks, you are right!
i added in doc information VR_Pawn + Menu_Player

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Right on. Cheers!

Hello again.

I’m having trouble with the Find_Widget in both my VR and the VR Demo map. In its default state it is not loading the file system. The upper left “back arrow” doesn’t either.

So I put the path to videos in the Path variable in the widget, and still, nothing is showing up. The widget remains blank.

It seems to be working in the PC Player version. Is this because the VR version of the menu is placed within the level, while the PC version is created in BeginPlay?

You can add Menu_Player to Children in actor.


You working in PC or in android?
And make sure that the menu is directed in your direction, and not the transparent side, otherwise it will be invisible.

In Find_Widget you need find ArrayDiskCheck and add your path.

I’m trying out attaching it. I’ve added a child actor and the menu and set that up. I’ll post back how that goes.

But you should know that Array Disk Check has 28 elements in it already, all of the drives, SD card, etc. So they SHOULD already be showing up in the Find Widget.

Tell me, do you have no disks displayed? Just in case, check the demo map, how do they work for you, is everything displayed?

You can write to me directly

I’ve created a new project and changed nothing except the controller input.

The Find Widget is not working in either demo map (normal or VR) or in the one I created, after it is packaged.

I’m getting this in your demo maps when they are packaged for Windows. It isn’t working.

Below it IS working when run within the editor:


Are you packing and testing the final product or just running it in the editor?

If you are packaging it, is there a setting I’m missing?

I’ll keep working with you here in case I have to get a refund I will link Epic, I can show them this thread.
