Video Player 360 (2D, 180, 360, Stereo)

I need your assistance customizing this a bit to read the source playlist from a database. Would you be able to assist with this and if so how much? How do I contact you directly?

Ehi Binitie

Good afternoon!

English is not my native language. Tell us more about the list from the database? I ask you to write more about your request so that I can understand the task.

My e-mail: [EMAIL=“”]

If you have launched an android version that is not designed for VR.
Don’t forget to change the interaction mode (in actor Android_Pawn).
VR interaction by default = Central screen. You need change to Mouse.

**NEWS. 24.02.2020. Version 4.23 and 4.24. Input Key. **

Motion Controller Key Deprecation

Motion Controller keys have been deprecated in 4.24 in favor of keys specific to a set of common XR controllers which are defined in the OpenXR specification. This change makes it easier to customize the input bindings for each controller model and gets rid of the ambiguity around the mapping of Motion Controller keys to physical controller buttons.

By using the new keys, projects will improve support for SteamVR Input and OpenXR which are built around action systems. These new XR input systems are designed around providing cross-device compatibility by emulating the specific controller that the project is targeting.

During the deprecation existing inputs using Motion Controller keys are still supported, however it’s no longer possible to add new inputs using Motion Controller keys. Any new input has to use the new XR keys, however the upgrade of old inputs can be done piecemeal since it’s possible to use both the old and new keys interchangeably.…ion/index.html

You can add management yourself.
Project Setting-Input and replace outdated keys. Currently, they can’t be added directly via blueprints.

Hello – Will this play stereo 180 video? Can I see a demo please? Thank you

Hi, VFe!
Yes, stereo 180, and 360 supported.…OpFrKPMmPUjQjD
All demo for PC, For VR and Android.
If the demo doesn’t work, let me know. I’ll compile the demo again.

If you plan to use the player for versions 4.23 and 4.24. At this point in time, the management will have to be changed manually. I think this week I will solve this issue. If you have any questions, I am always available and always ready to help.…44#post1725244

Great, thanks!

I had a couple more quick questions:

How is the scene set-up in the project files you send? Is it possible to set up the player to auto-play the designated video?

Thank you

Hi, VFe!
The functionality was designed to work with the file browser and launch the selected video.
But if you need a video to start automatically at a certain point in time, for example, you can write simple code. Using Trigger in scene.

I also have a ready-made code that allows you to run the assigned video for example. Look, is that what you mean?

But this code has not yet been added to the plugin, but I can provide it if the player is purchased.

Thanks, Elizza! Could you possibly send me an email?

i send email from

Hi, sent you an email at [EMAIL=“”] could you please email me the demo code for trigger and to run assigned video? Thank you so much

**NEWS. 03.25.2020. Added new update.

Please Restart Epic Games Launcher and Update Video Player 360 plugin.**

New Update Added the ability to use triggers, or launch videos. You can link events and launch the video player.

**NEWS. 08/25/2020. **
***The following mode will be available in the new update (for UE4.23-4.25):

If you changed the plugin to fit your needs, save a backup copy of your plugin:
C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.25\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\VideoPlayer360 ***

1. Please Closed Epic Games Launcher;
2. Open Epic Games Launcher;
3. Find your library Video Player 360;
4. Update.
(If you don’t have an update, try removing the plugin from launcher and downloading it again.)

FullScreen mode:

Image Viewer(Experimental):
In General, all formats supported by the Media FrameWork are supported.
Support PNG, JPG formats.
If you need to add new extensions, need

  1. Open VideoPlayer360/Blueprints/Widget/Image_Viewer and added new extension ->
  2. VideoPlayer360/Blueprints/Actors/Screen_Theatre -> and added your extension.
    Notes: Images are not always displayed correctly and may be elongated. At the moment, we are still searching for solutions.
    Notes player: Right Mouse -> Hiden and Open video player menu.

**If you have any errors or problems, please let me know.
*If you need this version for 4.21 and 4.22, please email me [EMAIL=“”] ***

NEWS. 08/27/2020.
The following mode will be available in the new update (for UE4.23-4.25):
Added new actor for multiple screen. No control menu, but you can add multiple screens to the scene and play back if player has entered the trigger zone.
I will post a small video lesson tomorrow on YouTube.

For working:

  1. Open Video Player 360 content folder
  2. Open Maps -> Example_Trigger_MultipleScreens
  3. Select Screen actors and change video path and chose mode.
  4. For each screen, you must create Media Source : MediaPlayer, FileMediaSource, MediaPlayer_Video texture.

5. If the player enters the trigger zone, the selected video will be played for different screens.

You can configure triggers in Level Blueprints

This is a great update, such an awesome asset and meaningful additional features! thanks for the support

Thank you very much, I hope the plugin will be useful in your work!

How to overcome full volume in all videos:

  1. Need to attach sound to a mesh
  2. To include the spatial orientation and the weakening

Mighty apologies as I never saw this reply of yours until today. We are now getting back to this subject so might come in handy, though apparently I did find a Blueprint that sort of took care of what we needed. Will look into it in coming weeks. Many thanks and stay safe!

Thanks **PUNKVSTUDIO **:slight_smile: have a nice day!

NEWS 02/20/2021. All versions work correctly.
But in version 4.26, there may be problems with the animation of the widget menu. If you find any errors, please let me know.