Video Player 360 (2D, 180, 360, Stereo)

Hi! Information.
Playback Optimization
Information taken from an official source MediaFrameWork. Media Framework Technical Reference for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

The WMF Media Plugin offers some options that you can use to customize the way it decodes and plays back your media. If the Plugin doesn’t play your media with the responsiveness, smoothness, or performance that you need, you can try enabling these options.

Setting Description
Low Latency This setting minimizes delays, or latency, in media playback. If your video playback tends to lag, this setting may help you achieve a faster response from the WMF Media Plugin. However, enabling this setting may adversely affect the quality of the video and/or audio.
Only works on Windows 8 or later.
Hardware Accelerated Video Decoding (Experimental) Uses the GPU to decode video streams instead of the CPU. If your CPU is a bottleneck on your video performance, this setting may improve the smoothness of your video playback. It may also enable you to use more media at the same time, with larger resolutions.

Only works on Windows platforms, rendering with DirectX 11.

This option is considered Experimental. We do not recommend shipping projects with Experimental features.