VFX Spawner Devices no longer work in-editor and live games.

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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Since v26.20, VFX Spawner Devices no longer work both in-editor and in previously published live games.

Steps to Reproduce

For a live game:

  1. Launch Island Code: 2757-3044-9537
  2. Shoot a large Kaiju until and Blue objective orb appears.
  3. The objective should contain a spinning Heart (VFX).


  1. Drop a VFX Spawner Device. Default properties are fine.
  2. Add a verse class creative device that references the VFX Spawner Device. Add code so it enables the VFX OnBegin().
  3. Build Verse and connect the VFX Spawner Device to the new creative device.
  4. Launch a session.
  5. Fireworks should appear spawning from the VFX Spawner Device.

Expected Result

Live Game:
There should be a spinning Heart within the Objective to be destroyed.

In-Editor / Editor Session:
Fireworks should spawn from the placed VFX Spawner Device.

Observed Result

Live Game:
The Objective orb is empty. No VFX spawn.

In-Editor / Editor Session:
The VFX Spawner Device does not enable and does not spawn fireworks.



Island Code


Additional Notes

This all worked yesterday (Sept. 25) prior to the release of v26.20.

I’ve also tested that setting VFX Spawner Devices “Enabled on Phase” to “Always” does not help. I’m also listening to EffectEnabledEvent() with a print log message, but it never fires when .Enable() is called.

I found a workaround that enables VFX Spawner Devices:

  1. Use TeleportTo to move your VFX spawner some nominal distance.
  2. Then, call Enable(). Your spawner should work as normal.

You only need to do the first step once. You can Enable() and Disable() as much as you want from there.

Hope this helps others!

This does not work. it is this device broken?

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I just implemented the workaround, and it worked. Odd, brittle solution, but it worked.

Regardless, the fact that it is required indicates to your question that yes, somewhere something is broken.

Related thread: vfx device not spawning or working properly uefn

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You can also teleport your Niagara effect when needed, then you do not need the vfx spawner device.

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