Verse Runtime Error Related to VKPlay_EmptyOcean_VolumeSupport_VerseContentScope

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One of our maps got 1 occurrence of the following verse runtime error:

The runtime terminated prematurely because Verse code took too long to execute within a single server tick. Try offloading heavy computation to async contexts.

Verse unrecoverable error: ErrRuntime_ComputationLimitExceeded: The runtime terminated prematurely because Verse code took too long to execute within a single server tick. Try offloading heavy computation to async contexts. (Script (VKPlay_EmptyOcean_VolumeSupport_VerseContentScope) has exceeded its maximum running time (3.54s). Possible infinite loop or excessive computation.) (Callstack unavailable)

Unfortunately there is very little indication as to what this error relates to. It seems like “VKPlay_EmptyOcean_VolumeSupport_VerseContentScope” may be able to point in the right direction, but it is unclear what this error refers to.

Steps to Reproduce


Expected Result

If a verse runtime error occurs, it is associated with a particular piece of our verse code.

Particularly “VKPlay_EmptyOcean_VolumeSupport_VerseContentScope”

Observed Result

Verse runtime error is not being associated with a particular piece of our verse code.

Does mention “VKPlay_EmptyOcean_VolumeSupport_VerseContentScope”



Ran into this too, locally for now. Seems to happen if i teleport a large distance across a streamed map in our case.

Tried removing all water/landscape form the map. Still same issue.

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Another update:
When i disable all verse then things work fine again. I will keep investigating this but it seems to be either a wrong error or a combination of something plus verse code.

I think i found the exact behavior that causes it:

  1. In a level that uses streaming
  2. Im teleporting a character to a really far away location (252km :D)
  3. i am teleporting 10 props from characters old location to the characters new location

This causes a lag spike, the firther away the teleporting the higher the lag spike.
Breaking these teleports up into separate async operations stops the crash but causes a lot of lag.

at those kinds of distances everything seems to break down anyway, so this specific thing is not a big issue.

but general recommendation is to check if you have any verse code that is causing a long sync operations (especiually teleporting) as the error message seems to be faulty.


The status of FORT-784421 incident has been moved from ‘To Do’ to ‘Needs More Info’.

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I am having the same error on some of my maps every now and then

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Since you’ve made this post have there been any changes to your approach in this?

I ran into the same issue when teleporting props and I’m wondering if I need to rethink my approach here. I’d rather avoid the lag spikes that come with spawning each teleport.

Same issue:
Verse unrecoverable error: ErrRuntime_ComputationLimitExceeded: The runtime terminated prematurely because Verse code took too long to execute within a single server tick. Try offloading heavy computation to async contexts. (Script (VKPlay_EmptyOcean_VolumeSupport_VerseContentScope) has exceeded its maximum running time (60.41s). Possible infinite loop or excessive computation.) (Callstack unavailable)

Verse includes teleporting devices to player’s location. Happens only when in discovery and above 100 players, everything works fine during edit session and at a full published session. I always check for Player.IsActive and do everything with < suspends >.

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we are seeing more and more of these. every occurrence is treated as a unique type of runtime error and receives its own entry in the content service.

we have seen at least 8 of these in the last 24 hours

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Same here!

I’ve more than 15 of those errors :confused:

Verse unrecoverable error: ErrRuntime_ComputationLimitExceeded: The runtime terminated prematurely because Verse code took too long to execute within a single server tick. Try offloading heavy computation to async contexts. (Script (VKPlay_EmptyOcean_VolumeSupport_VerseContentScope) has exceeded its maximum running time (4.29s). Possible infinite loop or excessive computation.) (Callstack unavailable)

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We’ll get someone to check into this.


Same issue here.

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From what I have tested it’s connected to teleporting devices/props over long distances multiple times to player location

Do you know what distance is causing that? I am teleporting objects a maximum of 300m but still getting this bug. Not having any bugs in the terminal though

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same issue here, happened twice

Hi! I’ve had the same verse error occur 15 days ago.

I have no ocean on my map. But the map is using streaming, and players are being teleported. But not very far. Im within the XL grid island always. The teleport locations have been the same for millions of plays without this issue aswell. I dont teleport any objects/props though

Edit: I got this just today again, but not as detailed error log

“Verse unrecoverable error: ErrRuntime_ComputationLimitExceeded: The runtime terminated prematurely because Verse code took too long to execute within a single server tick. Try offloading heavy computation to async contexts. (Script (VKPlay_EmptyOcean_VolumeSupport_VerseContentScope) has exceeded its maximum running time (6.70s). Possible infinite loop or excessive computation.) (Callstack unavailable)”

I’ve also had this error occur on a few maps, including one that:

  1. Does NOT have streaming enabled
  2. Does NOT teleport props
  3. Only teleports players relatively small distances (~40 grid squares max)
  4. Does NOT have any terrain, ocean, or other water volumes

It had 2 occurrences (27 and 24 days ago) when the map had VERY limited verse code, all being very short scripts. Now has had 2 additional occurrences in the last 2 days after a big update, which added much more verse, but most of it being run asynchronously.

Verse unrecoverable error: ErrRuntime_ComputationLimitExceeded: The runtime terminated prematurely because Verse code took too long to execute within a single server tick. Try offloading heavy computation to async contexts. (Script (VKPlay_EmptyOcean_VolumeSupport_VerseContentScope) has exceeded its maximum running time (3.74s). Possible infinite loop or excessive computation.) (Callstack unavailable)

No errors have given any additional information other than what’s seen here


We are seeing these crashes on another project, but they all reference the Input Trigger device. this crash is MUCH more common, happening ~50 times per day for us right now.

Verse unrecoverable error: ErrRuntime_ComputationLimitExceeded: The runtime terminated prematurely because Verse code took too long to execute within a single server tick. Try offloading heavy computation to async contexts. (Script (VKPlay_EmptyOcean_VolumeSupport_VerseContentScope) has exceeded its maximum running time (3.13s). Possible infinite loop or excessive computation.) Truncated callstack follows: Device_InputTrigger_C:Update Players Holding Input (Unknown source) (Source: Unknown(0,0, 0,0)) Device_InputTrigger_C:ExecuteUbergraph?ice_InputTrigger (Unknown source) (Source: Unknown(0,0, 0,0)) Device_InputTrigger_C:OnEventReceived^CC4F404D6E3D1002E0C88F21E272E3 (Unknown source) (Source: Unknown(0,0, 0,0))

It appears as if these errors may have been resolved in v32.00! we have not seen any occurrences of these errors since the downtime for the event

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Got verse error today again, first part the same. Last part something with “argetDummys”. I dont have any verse connected to targers.

Verse unrecoverable error: ErrRuntime_ComputationLimitExceeded: The runtime terminated prematurely because Verse code took too long to execute within a single server tick. Try offloading heavy computation to async contexts. (Script (VKPlay_EmptyOcean_VolumeSupport_VerseContentScope) has exceeded its maximum running time (5.41s). Possible infinite loop or excessive computation.)

Truncated callstack follows:
Device->argetDummy_V2_C:HandleTransmitter (Unknown source) (Source: Unknown(0,0, 0,0))
Device->argetDummy_V2_C:ExecuteUbergraph?ice->argetDummy_V2 (Unknown source) (Source: Unknown(0,0, 0,0))
Device->argetDummy_V2_C:KnockDownTimeline_FinishedFunc (Unknown source) (Source: Unknown(0,0, 0,0))