Verse Runtime Crash Using Teleporter.Teleport

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Teleporter.Teleport can cause an unrecoverable Verse runtime error

Steps to Reproduce

Teleporter players who are joining the game, leaving the game, and respawning
Eventually you will get this error. We think it might be when a player is leaving the game and teleporter tries to teleport

Expected Result

Teleporter should never crash Verse

Observed Result

Teleporter device can crash verse



The status of FORT-739602 incident has been moved from ‘Needs Triage’ to ‘To Do’.

The status of FORT-739603 incident has been moved from ‘Needs Triage’ to ‘Closed’. Resolution Reason: ‘Duplicate’

I’m experiencing the same issue in roughly 0.05% of games. I’ve refactored and still cannot pinpoint the issue or draw a conclusion. Do we have a link to the “duplicate” post? It would be helpful if these were provided when an issue is closed due to duplicates.