[Verse] - Medium - Save Point Device does not function through Verse

As title, after various test I cannot get the Save Point Device to Save or Load player data through Verse.

The device does work with Event Binding.

Here’s is the example code I’m using. SetupGame is called successfully as the Log does print correctly.

#Setup the game.
                if (SetupQualified = false):
                    for (i := 1 .. PlayersWaiting):
                        set QualifiedToComplete += 1
                    set SetupQualified = true
                    set AssignedPlayerSlot = PlayerSlot[CurrentSlot]
                set CurrentSlot += 1
                Logger.Print("Player saved to slot {CurrentSlot}")

When attempting to load player data after this code is run, no data seems to be loaded.

I was able to reproduce this issue last week, but the Save Point Device was working correctly for me when I tried again this morning. Not sure what changed that would have fixed it. Let’s test it again next time the PublicTest is updated.

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