I’ve been testing core devices in Verse and these are the issues I’ve run into so far:
I consider myself an expert with Creative devices so fully understand how they should and sometimes infamously, don’t work.
Bare in mind I’m not testing these in Live Edit or through Event Binding, so some issues may overlap or not exist outside of Verse. These issues may only occur when using certain device settings.
I’ll update this thread with new issues when I find them.
Switch: Does not function. Only tested with setting “Use Persistence” Turned ON.
Tracker: Does not function.
Trigger: Cant activate without (player)
Timer Device: Cant start for all without (player)
Item Spawner: Cant spawn without (player)
Player Reference: Does not Register through verse.
Mutator Zone: Does not function. (In fact all zone devices don’t work)
Save Point Device: Saving and Loading does not work.
Prop Manipulator: Verse still references the Legacy version of the device.