[Verse] Medium - Cannot Trigger a trigger device without (Player)

As title, I cannot trigger a trigger device without a player. This is counter intuitive as triggers don’t necessarily warrant the need for a player.

Hi @AxelCapek, the compiler is saying that you are passing a wrong type of argument to the function call, which is why it cannot compile successfully. Could you post the code sample that is triggering this issue?

DoSomething()<suspends>:void= Sleep(10.0) CoinSpawner.SpawnItem() Test.Trigger()

This would not work as Test.Trigger() would have to be written Test.Trigger(Player), but as we’re using <suspends> it’s not possible.

Triggers should not require a player! For example, we can activate triggers in Live Edit with a sequencer, or on game start and other methods that do not require player activation.


Thanks! I added a task for myself to look into this.


This seems old, but I feel like I’m running into the same issue. I can’t get a trigger to activate with triggerName.Trigger(), also using in an asynchronous function.