Verse Hot Reload Texture Issue

The community is aware that improper naming of textures or materials or folders can cause Verse hot reloading to stop working.

It looks like as of 28.00 UEFN now tells us WHAT is preventing hot reloading.

However, the problem is still difficult to solve.

Here is a texture error I’m getting from hot reloading:

/opt/epic/offset_1/LinuxServer/FortniteGame/Plugins/GameFeatures/970699b1-459d-8fe1-ad2f-98ba07644f7c/Content/ui_extensions.verse(34,29, 34,39): Script error 3506: Unknown member `t_ui_blank` in `Textures`.

/opt/epic/offset_1/LinuxServer/FortniteGame/Plugins/GameFeatures/970699b1-459d-8fe1-ad2f-98ba07644f7c/Content/ui_extensions.verse(35,29, 35,38): Script error 3506: Unknown member `t_ui_zero` in `Textures`.

The thing is, this builds fine with a full Push Changes. Also, I have renamed these files and the folder and fixed re-directors and no matter what I do, these errors come back for hot reloading.

I’ve tried with underscores, without them, and putting textures in sub-folders or top level. Always the same. The Verse asset file has no commented errors and looks good.

I’ve also deleted any lingering uassets from explorer from past textures

Here is an example of how these textures are used:
Screenshot 2023-12-08 170646

@spentak Thank you for your report! Can you please re-post using the “New Issue” option on the Issues and Bug Reporting forums? Posts with this feature are connected directly into our development team so we can quickly get to them!

For more information, such as how to get the reference ID, please check out the article here: Using the Creative and UEFN Bug Reporting Form