UTextureRenderTarget2D to PNG

I’ve been trying to make this work for the past two days and I it seems to me that something is not right
I’m trying to retrieve camera images from UE4.17.2 and save them into a PNG.

I have added to my ActorBlueprint a SceneCaptureComponent2D that is linked to a TextureTargetthat I’ve also created. Is there a configuration that ahs to be done. Because the Little Icon of the TextureTarget Asset renders correctly and you can see what it should be seen

I’ve followed:

But none of them seem to work. The images Appear either empty or totally black.
The FColour vectors generated are just totally black or white.

Could someone give a complete full example of how this should be accomplished because it seems that there is a lot of confusion on how this should be done and there is no full working example out there that I have found. Something like: create this blueprint actor with this and this, and create in its cutsom C++ class such and such functions that retrieves the This camera in this actor and saves it into a png.

It would help a lot to the UE4 comunity no doubt about it.

So this is a late reply, but for anyone still looking here is the answer. For some reason currently in 5.0.3 the alpha value of the picture in bgra is set to 0 for every pixel. So the way to fix this is by setting the alpha for every pixel to 255.