Using the UMG MVVM system, is there anyway to bind yourself directly into the code, without going with the UI ?


I’ve been fiddling with UMG and the MVVM plugin, which is quite nice !
I’m trying to replicate 2 things

  • First, being able to create, from C++, a variable that is set as Notify, so on the BluePrint or code side, I could broadcast the value. Whatever I’ve tried to do (Setting the FieldNotify parameter for exemple), I’m never able to “broadcast” my value, wheares on Blueprint, I can do it easely. Is that the normal behavior ?

  • Secondly, I would like directly from the code to listen to that value. Let’s say I don’t want to listen it from the UI, but from an other system (Like a statistics system). I’m trying my best, but I don’t see how I can “bind” myself to that broadcasted value ?

Thank you if you have any answer !

  1. How you are broadcasting a value in Blueprint? I think your confusion is that FieldNotify is for UI only, in C++ we use DELEGATES or Getter functions, for example.

  2. In C++ you can use DELEGATES:



	FMyIntVariable OnVariableChange;


	// when variable changes.


void OnMyIntChange(const int32 Value);


MyMVVM->OnVariableChange.AddUniqueDynamic(this, &ThisClass::OnMyIntChange);

void AStatistics::OnMyIntChange(const int32 Value)
	// value changed.

You can bind OnVariableChange in Blueprint too because we are using BlueprintAssignable.