Using AI Default focus to target another AI?

Hey everyone, quick question.
So I am trying to set up AI on teams so that I can make an FPS shooter where your player has a few teammates.
The issue I am running into is that when I set up the two AI, they seem to be unable to look at and follow each other.
So for example, If I set both AI to attack the player character, it works fine, the Default Focus service is set to my “TargetActor” which at that moment was the player character, but when I set the target to be the other AI, the behavior tree still acknowledges that the target actor is set to the other AI just like when it was set to my player character, and they try to attack each other but for some reason they will not “Focus” or look at the other character.
And again, when I set the default focus to focus on my player character, theres no issues, but when I change that variable to the other AI, it wont look at and trace that AI.
From my point of view, it seems like nothing there isnt much changing between telling it to “get player character” and simply setting the TargetActor to the other AI? is it because there isnt any navigation information attached to simply telling it to look at that other AI? Unlike when you pull in the information from “Get Player Character?”

Any info would be awesome. Ive already looked through forums and havent found anything that will fix it for this situation without forcing me to restart and rebuild the AI structure which I dont want to do. Thanks!