I have a scalar parameter called opacity in one of my materials;
In an actor class in my game I get the reference for a static mesh that has this material, and I attempt to update this parameter in code;
if (hitActor) //if we hit a wall, change its colour based on intensity
TArray<UStaticMeshComponent*> comps;
for (auto StaticMeshComponent : comps)
UMaterialInstanceDynamic* miBody = StaticMeshComponent->CreateAndSetMaterialInstanceDynamic(0);
miBody->SetScalarParameterValue("Opacity", 0.8f); //new value
StaticMeshComponent->SetMaterial(0, miBody);
However this has no effect on the displayed material, there is no change at all on my materials from running the above code, I am pretty certain I am accessing the current static mesh because if I set the static mesh to some other material at this point it changes correctly. What am I missing about these scalar parameters?
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!