[Update Bug] Cooked particle orientation

Hi, when I updated the engine to 4.13, I had this bug:

when I open the editor the particle is ok as you can see here:


But if I cook the game, I get this:


please show me images of your particle modules, especially anything orientation related.

Ok. These are the orientation settings:


In cascade > orientation > lock axis module.
Lock Axis flag “Z axis”

Profit :slight_smile:

Hi Ed,

Yes, this happens only on standalone game. In the editor it works and it worked with previous versions on standalone game too.

Same problem. :frowning:



Posted a video on discord for OP on how to set it up.

Explained on discord why I didnt use meshes (drawcalls).
(in case Ed goes, but bro! Y U NO MESH :p)

Hi Scienziatogm,

To me it looks like you have your screen alignment set to PSA velocity in the required module change that setting to see if you get the desired results. I don’t recommend using meshes for this type of effect as this can be done just as well with conventional particle types. However, this may still be a bug with the engine so I want to investigate this issue further. (Edit) Luos made a good video on how you can set up a particle system without using the mesh data particle type on this post.

I wasn’t able to reproduce your issue, here are the steps I took:

  1. Attempted to create a particle system similar to user
  2. Migrated from 4.12 to 4.13
  3. Packaged project

I’ll attach the test project used for your comparison. Maybe you can try packaging my project on your end and see if you get the same issue.

link text

hey Ed, points should go to the one solving it :wink:

I followed Luos tutorial, and now it’s working, anyway there’s something bugged because on 4.12.5 it was working well.


I’m glad that your issue has been resolved! Could you attach the particle system (bugged version) so that I may investigate if this is an issue with the engine please?

Hi Luos,

Your answer has been accepted. I think the AnswerHub automatically accepts my answer if I post one after the fact. I was going to straighten that up once this has been confirmed a bug or not.

we have the same issue. unfortunately for us, our particles are not axis aligned. what other workarounds are there? Is there a code fix for this?

if its the same issue, the problem would be solved following this post.
If it isnt, make a new answerhub post, show us videos or images of as much as you can (the cascade modules etc) and I am sure I can solve it.

Ok. Here it is:
link text

Thank you scienziatogm,

When I loaded in your asset the screen alignment was set to PSA Velocity (see screenshot) this will cause the rings to align along the direction they are traveling.

again for your cooperation,

Yes, but in the editor the particle appears different than the cooked version.

I was able to reproduce your issue. I will update with a bug report and reproduction steps when the investigation is over.

for the help!

odd, i cant seem to recreate that issue. can you elaborate Ed?
So I can take a look out for content using this.

Here is a link to the bug report: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-36091)

I can provide the test project if needed.