Unwanted shadows on the edges

Hi guys! I’m using a point light set to stationary in a room and when I build lighting, unwanted shadows appear on the edges. The overridden light map res is set to 512 on every wall. Can anybody help please?


Are you using 4.17 or earlier version? Those used to have this bug…
The problem is that the lightmap texels are not aligning perfectly with the mesh (you can see it on the lightmap view). At the edge you can see just half a texel! So what you get in your lighting is that half shadow/half lit result…
Try to snap those lightmap uvs perfectly!

Thanks for your answer! I’m using 4.27.2. How can I snap the lightmap uvs perfectly?

I don’t remember if that version is adding an extra pixel to the lightmaps or not…
If you know your exact lightmap resolution, let’s say 512, then create a 512x512 checker map (1 pixel white one pixel black). In your 3d app use that as a texture behind your lightmap uv channel. Set it to snap to pixel and snap the uv islands! Leave 4 pixels at the edges and between islands!
Check in Unreal the lightmap texel snapping! If (after the light build) it jumps and it won’t align again then use a 510 checker map in your 3d app!

I think lights leaks are happening here. you need to add shadowbox.

@anonymous_user_f26c856c1 Thanks for the help! I’ll try it!

@ravinderpal3089 Hi! How can I add a shadowbox?