Unwanted rotation on physics based movement system

Hi there,

I have a odd problem with unwanted rotation as the title says. I’m using the a PlayerController class to manage the user input and send that information to the player character through delegates using the new EnhancedInput system.

In short whenever I add rotation to the direction of the forward vector of the player, it starts to rotate toward the right with no other input than the W key. Even when disabling PlayerCollider->GetRightVector() * Value.X * MovementForce; it still rotates.

I’ve thought about drag being the issue, but I cannot find anything related to that in the physics settings.


void ACPPlayerControllerBase::PlayerMove(const FInputActionValue& InputActionValue)
	// Value is a Vector2D
	const FVector2D MovementVector = InputActionValue.Get<FVector2D>();

	// Add movement to the player's character pawn
		PlayerMoveDelegate.Execute(MovementVector, MovementForce);


void APlayerPawn::Move(const FVector2D Value, const float MovementForce) const
	const FVector Direction = 
		PlayerCollider->GetForwardVector() * Value.Y * MovementForce +
		PlayerCollider->GetRightVector() * Value.X * MovementForce;
	GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 0.005f, FColor::Red, FString::Printf(TEXT("Forward Vector: %s"), *PlayerCollider->GetForwardVector().ToString()));

	if (PlayerCollider->GetComponentVelocity().Length() < 500.f)

I can’t for the life of me understand why it rotates and keeps rotating for a while after adding force. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

TL;DR: Whenever I add force to the forward vector of the player, it starts rotating to the side even when mouse input is disabled.

EDIT: The player character also keeps spinning after stopped giving input. It seems that the force somehow also is being added to the rotation, even though it shouldn’t be?

EDIT 2: I’ve tried setting the angular damping to 25, 50, 500, 5000 and even 50000! Everytime it veers off the straight path.

EDIT 3: Even tried changing AddForce to AddImpulse with no change. Would it be something to do with the ForwardVector?