AddImpulse also adds torque/angular force to pawn

Hey again,

I recently posted a problem I had for a while relating to unwanted angular force to my player pawn, it resulted in me finding an odd bug in the 5.4.4 version of the engine: see post if interested.

But after downgrading the engine to 5.3.2, it seems that I have a somewhat similar problem, but thankfully not as bad as before.

The problem in question:

It seems that whenever I try to use forward vector related movement e.g. forward and backward with the W & S keys and a right vector related movement e.g. left and right with the A & D keys at the same time it adds unwanted torque or angular force.

A demonstration:

Only one axis is tested at a time:

Moving in a circular motion:

Circular motion w/ angular damping and ignore bools checked

As you can see from the above videos, even with angular damping and ignore bools it adds unwanted torque to the player pawn.

I’ve done the code in C++, but here’s the recreated code in blueprints:

Move Event is called from a player controller class and the param is a Vector2D value representing the WASD keys respectively.

Even if splitting the direction vector into their own respective axes and adding impulse to each one, still produces the same result.

Thanks in advance (again).

Eh, it seems that a really quick and dirty fix for removing the added torque/angular force is to set the following to the code:


or the blueprint equivalent:

Thanks again to Everynone for giving the fix. Truly a legend stalking the unreal forums.

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